1858 March 24 Letter to Joseph Horne


1858 March 24 Letter to Joseph Horne


Brigham informs Joseph Horne that the city will be evacuated and emigrants will be heading South toward his settlement. Includes instructions to prepare the land for planting sugar, melons and other crops.




Brigham Young


Joseph Horne


1858 March 24


Great Salt Lake City


Overland Travel
Utah War

Presidents Office
Great Salt Lake City  Mar 24  1858.

Joseph Horne

Dear Bro:

We have concluded to vacate this City as you will observe by our printed circular forwarded you by this mail you are instructed to preserve that document, and not let it go out of your hands, as it is not intended to let it go to the world.  We desire you to prepare ground and plant all the Chinese Sugar cane you can.  prepare all the ground that is suitable for that purpose and advise me of the amount, and I will furnish you seed accordingly, say from one to ten acres and raise pretty plenty of squashes, Melons &c.  You are also instructed to send up all such teams as can be spared from your settlement to aid us in moving out families and supplies, you need give yourself no uneasiness in regard to your family as they will be provided for, still if you can consistently leave and come with the teams you are at liberty to do so, but not to the neglect or injury of the business entrusted to you.

I remain as ever your brother
in the Gospel of Christ.

Brigham Young