1858 March 24 Letter to Elias Blackburn


1858 March 24 Letter to Elias Blackburn


Brigham requests help finding shelter for his family and a place to store his property near Provo. Letter also contains some details about the evacuation and requests teams and provisions.




Brigham Young


Elias Blackburn


1858 March 24


Great Salt Lake City


Overland Travel
Utah War

G. S. L. City,  March 24, 1858

Bishop Blackburn;

Dear Brother:  I design to soon begin to move my family, provisions, stoves, musical instruments, and such other articles as may be needed and cannot be saved in caches, as far as Provo, and I would <like> to have you secure me <one> or two large halls in your city in which I can shelter my family, and some store rooms for my property.  You may wish to know how much room I may need; from ten feet square to half of your city, I am not particular.  "How <many> are you going to move to this place" soon?" you may ask; only a few, all who live in this city.  You will understand that we shall need many teams and wagons for this movement, probably not over 2000 at first, and we expect you to assist us in this matter as much as you can consistantly, beginning as soon as you can after next Sundey, the 28th.  As we shall not sow nor plant any more here this season, you will understand the propriety of raising what all the potatoes, flax and sugar cane you may be able to.  The standing army is superseded by the present movement, and justice requires that the property collected for the army be returned to those who furnished it, at least so far as they call for it.  Further particulars you will learn from the Circulor, two copies of which will be forwarded to you by the mail which takes this letter, and I wish you to be very careful and not let either copy of the Circular go out of your possession, except to some trusty, faithful persons you can confide in that they will return it to you, for I do not want any of the Circulars to go out of this Territory, nor written copies of it.

Brigham Young