1858 March 24 Letter to Aaron Johnson


1858 March 24 Letter to Aaron Johnson


A request for wagon teams to assist with the temporary resettlement. Includes information about crops and the handling of the Circulars.




Brigham Young


Aaron Johnson


1858 March 24


Great Salt Lake City


Utah War
Overland Travel

G. S. L. City, March 24, 1858.

Bishop Aaron Johnson,

Dear Brother:   You will learn from the Circular, 2 copies of which are forwarded to you by this mail, that the present policy has varied somewhat from the past.  The object in printing that Circular is to disseminate information that we do not wish the world to have just now, therefore you will be careful not to lend your copies to any one, except those you can trust to <return> them without fail.  You will understand that we shall need many teams for the present movement, and we expect you to assist us as much as you can consistantly, and to <furnishing> supplying  covers to the wagons you forward to help us, so far as you have them.  You can begin to send teams here for families, &c. as soon after next Sunday, the 28th, as you can get ready.  As we shall not sow nor plant any more here this season, you will see the propriety of raising all the potatoes, flax and sugar cane you may be able to.  The standing army is superceded, and justice requires that property collected for our army be returned to those who furnished it, at least so far as they call for it.

Brigham Young