1858 February 23 Letter to Lewis Brunsen


1858 February 23 Letter to Lewis Brunsen


Instructions to send explorers to search out a place of refuge in case of future conflict. Counsel to raise grain in that place this season and to build conciliatory relations with the Indians.




Brigham Young


Lewis Brunsen


1858 February 23


Great Salt Lake City
Fillmore City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Feby 23rd 1858

Bishop Lewis Brunsen,
Fillmore City,

Dear Brother:- It is our intention to send out some old men and boys to the white and last mountains to the west of the settlements and find places where we can raise grain and hide up our families and stock in case of necessity. It is our wish to have the brethren go prepared with teams, seeds of various kinds and farming utensils so as to have grain raised at those places the present season. You will therefore select a few men of the kind above suggested and in connection with Bishop Farnsworth who will do likewise send out a party of fifteen or twenty men to search out and make a selection of and location at such place or places as may be suitable for the purposes above mentioned. You will also select a few young and middle aged to go as explorers to pass about after having made a location to find other suitable places and report back.

The brethren are particularly instructed to conciliate the Indians and secure their friendship taking pains to learn their language and exercise a salutary influence over them and whenever there shall be found a man who does not pursue this course towards the Indians he must be dismissed from the mission and sent back.

I remain your Brother
in the Gospel of Christ

Brigham Young