1858 March 24 Letter to Philo T. Farnsworth


1858 March 24 Letter to Philo T. Farnsworth


A request for wagon teams and supplies to assist with the emigration of families out of Great Salt Lake City. Brigham also inquires about water power and offers to supply stones, bolting cloth or other articles for the building of the grist mill.




[Brigham Young]


Philo T. Farnsworth


1858 March 24


Great Salt Lake City


Utah War
Overland Travel
Building and Construction

G. S. L. City, March 24, 1858.

Bishop Philo T. Farnsworth,

Dear Brother:  You will by this Circular, 2 copies of which are now forwarded to you, that the present policy has varied somewhat from the past.  Please loan the Circulars to no one, except those who will faithfully return them  You will understand that we shall need many teams for the present movement, and we expect you to assist us as much as you can consistently, and to furnish covers and bows to the wagons you send to our aid, so far as you have them.  You can begin to send teams here for families, &c. as soon as the weather and roads are sufficiently settled.  As we shall not sow nor plant any more north of Utah county this season, you will see the propriety of raising all the flax, sugar cane, potatoes and other vegetables, California barley, &c., that you may be able to.  Can I get water power in your place to attach a carding machine to, without the trouble of building a dam, digging race, &c.?  Please inform me, also whether you would like to have me furnish mill stones, gearing, bolting cloth, &c., for the grist mill being built at your place and let me <have> an interest in the mill, if so, let me know what kind and description of articles you would like to have me furnish.

Your Brother in the Gospel