1858 April 5 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


1858 April 5 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


Brigham is anxious to settle debts in St. Louis but there is some difficulty with the mail. The Liverpool Office has been instructed to assist in settling business affairs in St. Louis. Letter also contains an update on the relationship with Ft. Bridger.




Brigham Young


Horace S. Eldredge


1858 April 5


Great Salt Lake City
St. Louis, Missouri


Business Matters
Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 5th. 1858

Elder Horace S. Eldredge,

Dear Brother:

Your letter of Dec. 29th, came to hand by the Cala. mail on the 2nd inst., informing me of your whereabouts, doings, &c.  Manage business affairs, of every description, according to your best judgement, and all will be well.  The Liverpool Office is instructed to assist you in winding up affairs in St. Louis, so far as it possibly can; and in writing to that office, be particular to enquire about a person that Bro. Samuel W. Richards informed me, by letter of Jan. 1, had some means; perhaps a portion of it can be obtained for your assistance.  Col. Johnston and his command are at Fort Bridger, and so far as we can learn are more angry, if possible, than they were last fall, not having enjoyed the anticipated pleasure of debauching our wives and daughters and wickedly revelling in our houses and upon the fruits of our labors.

As to liabilities in St Louis, we have ample means here to liquidate them all, but at present there is no way of transmitting from here in safety, therefore it is obvious that the uncertainty of mails, &c. will compel creditors to exercise patience until a safe and reliable way for transmitting funds shall present itself.  We are very anxious to discharge all indebtedness.  Family, friends and people are well and feel to rejoice in the providences of the Almighty.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P. S.  Postmasters and all persons, when you have read this letter, please close and forward to its destination.

Copy of this sent by Thos L Kane  May 12  1858