1858 March 10 Letter to William G. Young


1858 March 10 Letter to William G. Young


Brigham approves a petition to settle the Ivin Park Valley and encourages an expedited effort to settle and plant crops.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


William G. Young


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs

Item sets

Presidents Office

Great Salt Lake City
Mar 10th 1858

Bishop Wm. G. Young

Dear Brother:-
During the past winter a petition came from your place signed by James Worthington and others asking for the privilege of making a settlement the Ivin Park Valley it was also stated in the petition that the Indians of that region were anxious for such settlement to be made. It is our wish to have those men go with a few others from your place and we will send a few more from this: and take seed grain of all kinds to sow also garden seeds and fruit trees they should gather up right away in order to be in time for farming operations. Let old men and boys be principally selected for this mission. We think this course will gratify the Indians who should be kindly treated and honorably dealt with by every person in any wise connected with the mission as well as all other men. Please to move in this matter immediately that there may be no delay in their getting off. No one that is called to go in the standing army must be selected for this mission.

Your brother in Christ.
Brigham Young