1858 March 10 Letter to Andrew Cunningham and Thomas L. Smith


1858 March 10 Letter to Andrew Cunningham and Thomas L. Smith


The brethren lost a large amount of cattle to the Indians. To prevent more violence, Brigham suggests either offering the Indians more cattle so they don't have to steal it or exchanging wheat for the lost cattle.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Andrew Cunningham
Thomas L. Smith


1858 March 10


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs

Item sets

Presidents Office

Great Salt Lake City
Mar. 10 1858.

Cols. Andrew Cunningham
& Thos. L. Smith

Dear Brethren:-
In reflecting upon your present difficulties with the Indians, we have considered it wisdom for you to avoid as much as possible having any difficulty with them even at the sacrifice of the stock in their possession. We would prefer for you to say to the Indians if they have not got enough of the Mormon's cattle to come and get some more, but that we would rather give them our cattle than to have them steal them. If you get to talk with the Indians and can exchange with them your wheat for cattle or otherwise make satisfactory arrangements with them I have no objections but do insist that they shall he conciliated and not molested in consequence of this late affair by pursuing this course it will certainly have its influence after awhile and they will learn who are their friends. If they choose to come into our settlements tell them to do so and we will be their friends.

Your brother in Christ.
Brigham Young

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1858 March 8 Letter to Thomas Smith