1858 April 14 Letter to Isaac C. Haight


1858 April 14 Letter to Isaac C. Haight


Concerns the distribution of sugar cane and watermelon seeds from Red Creek to the Rio Virgin.




Brigham Young


Isaac C. Haight


1858 April 14


Great Salt Lake City
[Cedar City]



Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 14, 1858.

Pres. I. C. Haight,

Dear Brother,   I send quite a quantity of sugar cane seed done up in packages containing a pint each, which is said to be enough to see an acre, if carefully planted.  As this seed is forwarded to you and br's W. H. Dame, Tarleton Lewis, P. Klingensmith and Joseph Horne, with a view to its being distributed from Red Creek to the Rio Virgin, according to the tillable land, water and crop already in at each place,  I wish you to take as many packages as you think would be proper to distribute in your neighborhood, giving those who plant it an understanding that if they are successful in cultivating it, I would like the privilege of buying some molasses of them this fall.

The seed should be sown about the 10th of May, in drills 3 feet apart, and one seed <stalk> to every 10 or 12 in inches in the drill.  After you and Bishop Klingensmith have taken out what seed you think best to distribute, please forward the remainder to br. Joseph Horne.  The cane should be planted far enough off to not mix with broom corn.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

Copies of the foregoing sent to Bishops Tarlton Lewis, P. Klingensmith, and President W. H. Dame      same date.