1858 May 5 Letter to Nathan Davis


1858 May 5 Letter to Nathan Davis


Concerns the shipment of supplies and other building materials. Also includes an update on Governor Cummings and Colonel Kane.




Daniel H. Wells


Nathan Davis


1858 May 5


Great Salt Lake City


Building and Construction

Item sets

G S L City  May 5  1858

Nathan Davis  Esq

Dear Brother   Your note April 27th came duly to hand to day.  I send one Gallon of Lard oil by the Mail Carriers.  We have sent the shafts Lathe bench and the press & Laver and will send a base of glass <send twelve light windows> the first opportunity and if your sash are not large enough  board up around [] them and not go to smaller sash   The Oxen <& Wagon> belonging to the church with the shafts had better return the first opportunity

We have no opportun news of interest  Col. Kane will start for the East by way of fort Bridger on Monday  next  he has learned that his Father Judge Kane of Philadelphia died on the 21 of February last which news sorely afflicts him and rather hastens his departure.  We send an escort of five Men who will go through with him to the Missouri River.  Gov Cummings accompanys  him as far as fort Bridger but intends returning with his wife to this city.  All is well with us we can do nothing in relation to iron   just now

May the Lord bless and prosper you

I remain your Bro in the Gospel of Christ

D H Wells