Head Quarters of the Army,
New York June 30th, 1857.
General Orders
(No. 12 )
The General-in-Chief, with the approbation of the War Department, issues the following orders:
1 -- The 2nd Dragoons, 5th Infantry, and 10th Infantry, as they assemble at Fort Leavenworth, will be prepared, with the battery of the 4th Artillery now at that post, to march to, and establish a post at, or near, the Salt Lake City, Territory of Utah.
Brevet Brigadier General Harney will command the whole force above described, continuing on duly according to his brevet rank and, at the earliest practicable day, will put the troops in route -- but will, until that time, retain his present command of the troops in Kansas.
2.-- On the 1st of January next after the Territory of Utah shall have been entered by the troops, it will constitute a new and seperate military department, to be styled the Department of Utah, and to be commanded by Brevet Brigadier General Harney, or the senior present -- who will, from the time of leaving Fort Leavenworth be the commander of a seperate army in the field within the sense of the 65th Article of War.
Special instructions for his guidance are addressed to that officer.
3 ---- The 5th Infantry, ordered temporarily to Jefferson Barracks, will, as soon as practicable after its arrival there, be put in route by its commander, by water, or, in part, by railroad, for Fort Leavenworth.
Requisitions for the transportation and supplies required for the movement will be addressed by the commanding officer to the proper staff officers at St. Louis.
4 ---- The armament and equipment deemed most suitable for the service of the battery of artillery, will be selected -- and, if necessary, extended in guns and horses -- by the commander of the expedition, consulting with Captain Phelps.
5 --- In addition to instructions already given, it is further directed that all requisitions which the commander of the expedition for Utah may, in his discretion, address to the departments of supply, be promptly complied with, without reference to higher authority,
6 --- Under the authority of the Secretary of War, the post at Salt Lake City, when established, and any other posts, not exceeding two in addition, that may be established in Utah, will be included among the "chaplain posts" and "double ration posts" of the Army.
By command of Brevet Lieutenant General Scott:
Irvin McDowell.
Assistant Adjutant General.