1858 June 21 Letter to Lewis Brunson and Philo T. Farnsworth


1858 June 21 Letter to Lewis Brunson and Philo T. Farnsworth


Instructions to gather men to secure the crops in these areas and offer needed supplies. Counsel to give the Indians the surplus vegetables and a portion of the grain.




Brigham Young


Lewis Brunson
Philo T. Farnsworth


1858 June 21



Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Provo June 21 1858.

Bishops Lewis Brunson of Fillmore and Philo T. Farnsworth of Beaver.

Dear Brethren:--
Owing to their harvest being on hand and the distance from this region to the location made by brethren in the Desert those now here will not return and others will leave whose families have been obliged to move and hence becomes necessary for them to return. These brethren have put in crops at that Mission which should be taken care of and preserved. We have therefore considered it best inasmuch as you are much nearer to this location that you should raise so many men as necessary to supply the places of those who return or as may be necessary to take care of and secure the crops now growing at that mission and take out to those who remain such supplies as they need. You will release all the brethren <on that mission> who wish to leave, and who live north of Fillmore and secure the grain either by hauling away, or safely caching it, and let all the brethren when this is accomplished return to their homes.

The brethren from Iron County will act under the direction of Col Dame who is shortly expected here and will receive the necessary instructions.

George Bean and Bro Barney who was the Presidents of the mission are not going to return, you will therefore in connection with the brethren <of the Mission> regulate the officers as you shall see proper. It might be well to give the Indians all the surplus vegetables, and a portion of the grain.

I remain as ever your Brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young