Provo June 26th. 1858
Bishop Warren S. Snow
Dear Brother:--
Your letter of 23rd inst. from Bros. Bullock and Colebrook is just received and will endeavor to comply with your requests for the news so far as we can.
It is expected that the army will reach G. S. L. City to day, they have already been preceded by the usual supply of gamblers and hangers on and camp followers for the last week or ten days, It is not yet certainly known where they will camp but probably temporarily over Jordan and look for a suitable place for winter quarters, probably Rush or Cache Vallies.
The reinforcements were, when the mail passed them principally on their way but had been ordered to halt ten days. Col Kane arrived at Fort Leavenworth about the first of June and it is supposed that this order to halt was made in consequence of Telegraph despatches received from him. We consider this ominous of good as they would not have ha[-] the troops unless they entertained the idea of stopping there in case of certain contingencies which might raise-- peace for instance. We suppose they will wait to confer with Col. Kane and perhaps to hear from the Commissioners who are still at the City. We have about four hundred at the City but not a soul will be seen when the troops enter, unless they commence committing depradations when they will spring up on every side. It is a dismal sight to see the deserted City, windows and doors all boarded up, and not a woman to enliven the scene, yet the trees and vegetation make a beautiful outside appearance, in this respect it never looked better.
The government having conceded and granted us our rights for which we were contending and granted a general amnesty for the past. We have agreed <not> to interpose any further obstruction to the advance of the troops, conditioned that they shall not encamp in or near any city or dense settlement, and will moreover not molest any person in their property or person. They gloat over it as having obtained a good victory, we consider them badly whipped; they think they are preserving the dignity and consistency of the Government <but> more especially their party, which we admit is rather at the expense of our feelings but we get the substance.
Traders, riff raff, and such like are now and then barking a little but will not be able to effect anything.
Governor Cumming and Superintendent Forney still appear desirious of doing the right thing which rather holds such men as Hurt, Dotson,and their companions in check We trust that all matters will go right and a collision avoided.
In regard to the matter mentioned in the first part of your letter the lighter course will be the best one to pursue
The Indians are quite saucy and appear evil desposed; they say that when the troops came in they expected to fight and it was to continue at least until Brigham was used up. and that they have not yet been informed if peace has been made; they received presents from Garland Hurt, the Indian Agent, which were to be paid for in this way; they appear impatient and disappointed for fear that there will not be any fighting after all.
General Johnson should send a messenger and notify his famous Indian allies that their amiable services can be dispensed with. It appears that the plan was for them to come in ahead and get located in the midst of the settlements, and then when the men were drawn away to fight the troops, butcher the women and children. Christian civilized warfare. O how we do admire it. The papers from the east are chuck full of fight with England owing to some alleged agression by their men of war upon some of our trading and merchant vessels in and about the gulf of Mexico. they have been firing across the bows of some of them and searching them a ceremony that the yankee sailors, and especially yankee editors rather object to. We have not yet learned how John Bull talks and thinks about it, but the yankee spurs appears on the rise; success to them both and may the wicked be washed away while the righteous shall abide in power and in strength.
May God bless and preserve you and all Israel.
I remain as ever your brother in the gospel of peace.
Brigham Young