1858 June 30 Letter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs


1858 June 30 Letter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs


A quarterly expense summary is submitted for Indian Affairs. Many Indians became hostile anticipating the arrival of U.S. troops.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Commissioner of Indian Affairs


1858 June 30


Great Salt Lake City
Washington D. C.

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Office Superintendent of Indian Affairs
Great Salt Lake City U. T.

June 30th 1858.

Hon Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington D. C.

Enclosed please find an abstract account current, property return, and vouchers from one to seventeen inclusive. Showing an expenditure during the Quarter ending June 30. 1858, of Seven thousand Sixty eight 57/100 Dollars, for which I have drawn drafts No 95 for Three thousand five hundred and thirty Dollars, and No 96 for Three thousand five hundred and thirty four 57/100 Dollars, in favor of Hon J. M. Bernhisel delegate in Congress.

Of the above amount, One thousand three hundred and sixty eight 44/100 Dollars, was expended as you will perceive at Fort Bridger in presents to Wash-e-kik, Standing Rock, Tib-en-de-wah and their respective bands, all of the Shoshone tribe of Indians, at their annual visit made at that place in August last. These accounts would have been included in my former reports, but have not been rendered until the 3rd of April of the present quarter, as appears in Voucher No 1.

Since my last report the Indians have generally been rather more quiet and in a few instances returned some of the horses which they had previously stolen One exception however to this is a portion of the Utahs under White -Eye Authro, Peeteetneet, Sand-Pitch and Tintic who with their bands numbering above six hundred, came into the Settlements, about the last of May, from the vicinity of Fort Bridger, very hostile in their feelings and appearantly only awaiting the advance of the troops from that point to make a general attack. as it was, they committed many depredations by stealing horses killing Cattle sheep &c., but since they have learned the peacable advance of the troops, their hostile feelings appear to <be> somewhat subsiding.

Owing to these causes, it became necessary to not only hold them in check, but to feed them in order to conciliate and keep them from actual outbreak until matters could be explained to them understandingly.
I trust that the foregoing explanations will be deemed sufficient and satisfactory and the account paid accordingly.

Dr Forney Superintendent of Indian Affairs, tho' doubtless having been some time in the Territory and probably officiating partially in his office while at Camp Scott did not until quite recently sufficiently assume its duties that I could feel relieved therefrom. Being now at the scene of his duties these matters will hereafter devolve upon him, thus closing my official intercourse with this department.

Trusting that Dr Forney's intercourse with the Department may be congenial, as well as satisfactory to the Native tribes. I have the honor to remain

Your Ob't Serv't.

Brigham Young

Superintendent of Indian Affairs.
Utah Territory