1858 November 30 Letter to Charles E. Sinclair


1858 November 30 Letter to Charles E. Sinclair


Brigham is surprised to hear he had been served a subpoena and denies having any prior knowledge. He is willing to come to the court room upon notification.




Brigham Young


Hon. Charles E. Sinclair


1858 November 30


Great Salt Lake City


Legal Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Nov. 30th. 1858.

Hon. C. E. Sinclair
U. S. Asse. Justice for Utah Territory, and ex-office Judge
of Third Judicial Distr.


I was surprised to learn that a return had been made by an officer of your Court, and read in open Court this morning that an attempt had been unsuccessfully made to serve a subpoena upon me.  I have received two summons from your Court left at my office by a gentleman who stated himself to be a U. S. Deputy Marshal.  Nothing has ever been stated nor done in reference to the service of a Subpoena to my knowledge.  Whenever I am required to appear in Court, being within a short distance of the Court room, I shall come at the notification of your honor or the officers of your Court.

I have the honor to remain Very respectfully Yours

Brigham Young