1858 July 6 Letter to Dominicus Carter


1858 July 6 Letter to Dominicus Carter


Brigham requests that the Judge accept the new Provo Canyon road and create a toll or tax to pay for its cost and upkeep.




Brigham Young


Dominicus Carter


1858 July 6


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets

G. S. L. City July 6 1858.

Dominicus Carter
Judge of Probate in Utah County,

Your are doubtless aware that myself and others have lately employed a large number of men, at considerable expense, to make a road up Provo Kanyon, which will soon be completed, ready for the acceptance of the road commissioners of Utah County. As this road has been made particularly for the benefit of Provo City and your County, I have thought it best and most conducive to the rights and interests of all concerned, so soon as the road is completed, for you to take the requisite steps to have it examined and accepted, also to levy a tax sufficient to promptly pay the cost of the road at the time of its acceptance, and then keep it up by a light tax or by a reasonable toll upon those who use it, whether teamsters or herdmen; in short, to accept the road, pay up its cost and take and keep an oversight of the road, water power, minerals, grass, fuel and timber, from the mouth of Provo Kanyon upwards.

Put the road in question in charge of brother Geo. W. Bean, or some other good man, to see that there is no travel upon it either by teams or herds, until it is accepted. Doubtless the road will be needed and can be used before the bridge is completed, which will soon be done, and you are at liberty to accept the road and regulate the toll, so soon as the road bed is finished

Bro. Feramorz Little has to-day started for Provo and will attend to accepting the jobs taken by by different contractors, when he will be prepared to present the road for your acceptance.

Your brother in the Gospel

(Signed) Brigham Young