1858 July 12 Letter to Orson Hyde


1858 July 12 Letter to Orson Hyde


Brigham asks for Hyde's assistance to secure the tithing wheat and flour.




Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1858 July 12


Great Salt Lake City



G. S. L. City July 12 1858.

Elder Orson Hyde

Dear Brother:-- Your note in regard to the insecurity of the wheat and flour in the Tithing office yard is received. In reply I have simply to say that I am glad that you have thought of mentioning it to me. I wish that you would take a few hands and help to secure it so that it will be safe. I have thought about it myself a good deal, but did not wish to mention it until it could be secure lest others might also think of it that otherwise might not. I suppose that Bishop Blackburn is storeing all of it that he can in the shanties which we built and left on the bench, where it will all be stored. But it should by all means be secured not only against light fingered gentry, but storms, cattle, and every other contingency to which it is exposed.

As ever, I remain very truly
Your brother in the Gospel,

(Signed) Brigham Young.