1858 July 17 Letter to Nathan Davis


1858 July 17 Letter to Nathan Davis


Brigham encourages iron work to continue in Parowan but does not recommend building a house yet.




Brigham Young


Nathan Davis


1858 July 17


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets

President's Office
Great Salt Lake City July 17/58

Nathan Davis, Esqr.
Parowan, Iron Co.

Dear Brother,
Your note of the 1st inst. is received -- and your course so far as we know and understand is approved. If we need any castings we shall send the iron. You are at liberty to use the iron from the wagons you mentioned.

In regard to lead and oil we can do nothing at present. As to building yourself a house it would be well for you to omit doing so to any extent at present.
You are quite correct in regard to returning, as we have not commenced business to any extent in this place, We wish moreover to have business established in that part of the country, it is right for you to dispose of such articles as you manufacture to sustain the works.

We do not wish to compel brethren to stay there but would like to have them remain until the business is established, and some other disposition made, as we do not contemplate removing the machinery back to this place, but expect to get up more when we want.

As ever
Your Bro. in the Gospel

Brigham Young