1858 July 17 Letter to Warren S. Snow


1858 July 17 Letter to Warren S. Snow


Brigham warns caution in travel due to Indian hostilities.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Warren S. Snow


1858 July 17


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs

Item sets

President's Office
Great Salt Lake City July 17/58

Bishop Warren S. Snow,

Dear Bro:--
Your note of the 14th inst. is received. I truly regret that the Sanpitch Indians exhibit such determined hostility, and say to you be exceedingly careful in all your movements.

Let none of the brethren go to the Kanyon after lumber or wood without a sufficient force to protect them -- and instruct the people not to go through Salt Creek Kanyon or any other Kanyon or exposed places without sufficient escort to protect them Bro. Bigler is also instructed in like matter as you suggest We must take care of ourselves as well as we can until we get rid of our kind and magnaminous neighbors, when we will attend to those ungrateful savages. I trust bro. Christensen who was wounded will recover. It pains me exceedingly to hear of the brethren being killed and wounded by the Indians, but I yet hope that they will be restrained and see the great wrong which they are inflicting upon their best friends. Use your influence to conciliate them if possible and have Arrowpin exert himself as much as possible to restrain them.

May the Lord bless and preserve you and help Israel to triumph over all their enemies

I remain truly Your Bro. in the Gospel

Brigham Young