1858 July 23 Letter to William H. Dame


1858 July 23 Letter to William H. Dame


Brigham discusses the viability of manufacturing powder from saltpeter.




Brigham Young


William H. Dame


1858 July 23


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets

President's Office
Great Salt Lake City July 23d/58

Wm. H. Dame,

Dear Brother:
Your note of the 10th inst. in relation to powder making is received. So far as it can be manufactured and paid for in labor it does not matter so much about the price, because all can be made equal, but, if you are aware that it could not be expected to go into market unless it could be afforded at a much less price. I should suppose that the cave which you have discovered in this seasons explorations upon the desert would furnish a large quantity of saltpeter and be afforded much cheaper than three dollars per pound. It is said that saltpeter was found east of Sanpete in the Elk Mountain route. We some think of trying to obtain some from that quarter and manufacturing it here, in which case we shall need my kettle, and the other articles are not here, and, consequently, could not be sent if we were disposed to do so. The sample of Saltpeter sent came safe to hand and would doubtless do very well, but in order to accomplish the object it must be afforded much cheaper. Kindred is a powder maker but knows nothing of the manufacture of Saltpeter. He lives at Provo & his principal object in going south would be to learn part of the business. You or bro. Edwards can correspond with him if it is of any use. I am not acquainted with him, and do not know whether he would be willing to take hold or not in the way you suggest. Praying the Lord to bless and prosper you

I remain Your Bro. in the Gospel.

Brigham Young