1858 August 3 Letter to William H. Dame and Isaac C. Haight


1858 August 3 Letter to William H. Dame and Isaac C. Haight


The children who survived the Mountain Meadows Massacre should be returned to family/friends in the States.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


William H. Dame
Isaac C. Haight


1858 August 3


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City Aug. 3rd 1858

To Wm H Dame & Isaac C. Haight;

Dear Brethren:--
It is my wish to have Brother Jacob Hamblin make arrangements to gather up those children that were saved from the Indian Massacre at Mountain Meadows last fall, with a view of delivering them over to Dr Forney, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs for this Territory, when he shall call for them. You will please aid brother Hamblin in effecting this purpose. He has seen and conversed with Dr. Forney upon the subject, and will therefore be able to advise you in what manner you can assist him in the matter. The object of obtaining the children is to return them, so far as possible, to their friends in the States.

I remain, as ever, Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ.

Brigham Young