Great Salt Lake City
Sept. 4th. 1858.
Elder Dwight Eveleth,
Dear brother:-- Since my last letter to you nothing of very material import has transpired in Utah. Nearly all who participated in the late move are, with most of their effects, again enjoying the blessings of their peaceful and quiet homes, while the enemies of truth are not progressing so rapidly as they anticipated. The U. S. troops are preparing their winter Quarters in Cedar Valley, some 35 miles S. W. from this city, and thus far mostly limit their movements to attending to their own affairs. Up to the present the strong effort, so generally understood and agreed upon, to put down "Mormonism" in Utah by the introduction of modern civilization, to wit:-- grog shops, gaming houses, female prostitution, &c, &c., does not appear to succeed in accordance with the fond anticipations of its admirers, and we trust that the lovers of just laws, order and the rights of mankind will tryumphantly prevail. Bro. Howard Egan and party, who escorted Col. Kane to the states, returned on the 25th Ult. Bro. Egan accompanied Col. Kane to his home, where the Col. was take severely ill and so continued; but his health was improving when bro. Egan left. Col. F. W. Lander, superintendent of that portion of the wagon road between the south pass and City Rocks, called upon me on the 29th & 31st Ult. In these interviews he fully sustained the appearance of an intelligent, frank and Constitution-loving American Citizen, and I would presume that the application of Government funds under his superintendency has been very judicious. Governor Cumming continues to pursue a wise and upright course in behalf of the interests and rights both of the General Government and Utah. Our wheat harvest is secured, and yielded tolerably well, notwithstanding the neglect attending the crops in the Northern counties. Potatoes in many localities, will be scarce, the move having interfered with planting. The newly arrived shop Keepers continue their high prices, said to be the result of combination, much to the furtherance of the temporal interests of our Territory. The Mails are running between St. Joseph Mo. and Sacramento, but they are of little use to us, bringing only a few scattering papers, and now and then a letter. The general health continues good, as do also the prospects of a happy emergence from our past difficulties. Bro. Henry W. Lawrance starts for California with the next mail (Sep. 6th) on business for Messrs Gilbert and Gerrish, and has kindly consented to fill a small bill for us, and to aid him therein I have taken the liberty commend him, in a letter of introduction of which he is the bearer, to your courteous assistance and attention. Bro. Lawrance will require no pecuniary assistance from you, to enable him to fill the bill he takes from me, as I have furnished him with means for that purpose; and the assistance and facilities asked in his behalf are a posting up bro. Lawrance in the Markets and dealers, so far as you are acquainted and the articles I have sent for may require, and the necessary introductions.
Please let me hear from you as often as convenient, and visit us as soon as you consistantly can, and oblige
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young