1858 September 6 Letter to John Rees, et al.


1858 September 6 Letter to John Rees, et al.


Brigham agrees to the brethren building a settlement if they can do it safely.




Brigham Young


Brigham Young


1858 September 6


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Sept 6th/58

To Bro. John Rees and the other Brethren whose names are on the List.
I am perfectly willing you should go there and make a Settlement but we must consider whether it will be safe or not. You wish to know my mind on the subject it <is> this, that you must build you a good substantial Fort and live in it use every caution that is necessary against the Indias. Your Fort walls must be 12 feet high 4 feet thick either good Stone or good dobes and laid in lime mortar. I also wish you to select one of your number for a President. and one for Bishop. You will have to be very careful of your stock or you will lose it. You should have good substantial corrals for them

When choosing your farming land, get it as near together as possible, it would be better to have only one peice fenced in then you are more compact, in case of an attack on you of Indias or white men. I think this all I have to say on this subject.

Perhaps you would like to hear the news everything is quiet here in the City. there is a good many jentiles but they behave them selves pretty well. May God bless you is my prayer. and all other good men

Brigham Young

P. S. This is my council to you
B. Y