1858 September 10 Letter to Asa Calkins


1858 September 10 Letter to Asa Calkins


A request to credit tithe payers. Emigration is deemed safe and Calkin is to assist those leading the emigration. The perpetual emigration fund is put on hold. Joseph Mckay paid the emigration costs for a dozen people.




Brigham Young


Asa Calkins


1858 September 10


Great Salt Lake

Number of Pages



Perpetual Emigration

Item sets

Presidents Office
Great Salt Lake City U. T.
Sept 10th 1858.

Asa Calkin Esq

Dear Brother: --
We improve the present opportunity of a private conveyance to again communicate with you. We have been some what in hopes of hearing from you altho it is perhaps rather too much to expect through the public mails, tho they are running at present quite regular every week.

We are expecting a small emigration the present season as the way is deemed sufficiently open to be safe. This being the case there will doubtless be considerable emigration another year altho we do not expect to operate any through the Perpetual Emigrating Fund. Those who choose and are able can come and probably many others who are not able to come through might come to the States and gather up as the way shall open. It is wisdom for those who come to land at the Northern ports and come to Chicago, where our business agency will hereafter be established instead of St Louis, we may also have an agency at Iowa City, thereby escaping not only the dangers of the Rivers, but the epidemics generally so prevalent in the more southern latitudes.

As before advised we repeat again for you to gather up the tithing accounts from each Conference that whoever may have paid tithing may as far as possible be credited therewith, a list of names should accompany the accounts in order that their credits may appear on the Books in Zion.

We realize that there are many worthy faithful Saints who are poor and have not the means to emigrate to this place and that they are exceedingly anxious to do so. Our desire and prayer is that the way may open before them, that the Lord will so order and direct affairs that they may be delivered from bondage and brought to an inheritance with his people. But the Lords will be done, we feel perfectly clear of having done our duty to the utmost in their behalf, and expect to continue to aid them as fast as it is consistent for us to do so. This we consider the duty of every Saint to help the poor Saints to gather home to Zion and use the means with which the Lord has blessed them to promote the cause of truth and righteousness upon the earth.

Elders Horace S. Eldredge Joseph W. Young, George Q. Cannon and Frederick Kesler are going East, and will locate as before observed at Chicago instead of St Louis.. They are all going out on business for us, and a portion of them at least will return the ensuing season. If Bro's Eldredge or Cannon should need money, and you have it in your power to aid them, it will be all right as it is our wish for you to do so. You are also instructed to fill any order for files or other articles which they may think best to have purchased in England. It is our determination to improve the present favorable opportunity to provide ourselves with machinery which will enable us to manufacture our own supplies so far as possible from henceforth.

If the European Saints wish to form a hand cart company and come through that way it is their privilege to do so. If they choose to come and locate at some convenient point in Canada as was talked of last season that will be all right for when we get ready we can gather them from there as well as from any other place. And if they stay either in Canada or the United States a few years and see whether they are going to apostatize or not before they come here, perhaps it will be a good thing, as it will save them the trouble of crossing the plains twice, and save us a good deal of trouble too. It is often the case that so soon as a man who never owned a cow or a pig nor any living animal gets here and begins to rise in regard to property that he forgets his God and all that has been done for him, and from thenceforth is not satisfied until he gets back into hell from whence he came. It is manifestly better for all such persons to remain and even die in the world without gathering at all so they die in the faith than come here only to apostatize and finally go to hell at last. We would just as soon that the Saints should be sifted and screened in the world awhile as to have it all to do after they get here. Those that do remain steadfast in the faith are so negligent about paying up for their emigration that our hands are constantly tied as regards assisting others.

We still owe thousands of dollars in St. Louis which was expended in helping out the poor saints and which we would like the Liverpool office to keep liquidated if possible.

We are still living,and expect when this persecution flows past, as it now is in a fair way of doing, the enemy having failed in all respects what ever in accomplishing their objects, that mormonism will rise higher, be more respected, and extend wider in power, and influence than ever before.

We expect that you are lonesome but be of good cheer, your friends remember you and your family are doing exceedingly well. All is right in Zion. what sifting we are getting will do us no harm it only illustrates the great truth that none but the humble, sincere, and obedient saint, who lives his religion and serves God, because he loves righteousness and truth, and hates iniquity and wickedness will stand, and finally enter the celestial state.

Brother <Joseph> McKay of Town of Johnstone Renfrewshire Scotland has paid three hundred dollars and sends for the following persons, you are hereby authorized to help them to that amount, or even a little more if necessary to accomplish their emigration as Brother McCoy who is here is very anxious to have them all come together and is still working on the public works to effect that object.

The penny tithing as well as all other in Breat Britain, must be hereafter paid into the Liverpool Office. And those persons in the different Conferences who collect it should give receipts retaining a duplicate in a book to be (when full) deposited in the Liverpool Office. In this way you can know what is collected. It would perhaps be best for you to furnish the Books for the different Conferences similar to those used with us, as order books in this Office.

May the peaceful influences of heavens rich blessings attend you, and Israel triumph over every opposing foe.

As ever I remain your Brother in the Gospel of Christ

Brigham Young

Names of persons to be brought out on Bro. <Joseph> McKay's acct.

Martha McKay David Fisher
Mary " Martha do
Ellen " & 3 children
Jane "
Esther " John Smith
Joseph " Frances and one or
James more children