1858 September 12 Letter to Frederick Kesler


1858 September 12 Letter to Frederick Kesler


A request for Kesler to accompany Horace Eldridge to the States to purchase machinery and to survey the quality of the construction of wagons.




Brigham Young


Frederick Kesler


1858 September 12


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business matters
Overland Travel

Item sets

G. S. L. City Sep 12th 1858

Frederick Kesler,

Dear Brother:-- You are selected and appointed to accompany Brother Horace S. Eldridge to the States to aid and assist him in the business matters entrusted to his care. We have made out bills of Merchandize, hardware &c, which requires your mechanical skill, knowledge and experience, to select and order.

We wish to have you spend some time, if compatable with the other public interests, in Chicago, in the wagon shop where our wagons are making, to attend to the selection of the timber and construction of our wagons. We want to have Mr. Schuttler distinctly understand that because we get one, or two, or a dozen good wagons from his shop, it does not follow that he can sell us anything thereafter in all time to come upon their credit; but if he expects our custom he must continue to do honor to his work.

We expect you to select our machinery as near according to the directions and bills as may be, but as you will perceive there are many parts to fill up which it is impossible for us to mention; hence much is necessarily left for your judgement and discretion. Do not let them impose upon you in extras and fitting up. We observe in many instances in your former bills, that as much or more was charged for an extra pattern, or a little fitting up than the cost of the articles. If you are not careful to avoid it, traders will always take these advantages. Consult freely with Bro. Horace in all your purchases, so that while you bring to bear your skill and knowledge of the article wanted, its quality &c., he may also give us the aid of his financial abilities in procuring it.

Brother Horace is instructed to furnish you with funds. Of course We expect you to return as soon as convenient next season; and of course expect that you will aid and assist Bro. Horace so far as your health and ability will justify. If better files can be purchased in England, and they with duties &c. do not cost too high, would prefer to have you send there for them, and so with every other other article.
We wish you to notice any kind of Machinery which might be useful, and that we may perhaps want so that you may be able to construct it for us when we shall need. You will have access to the hills with brother Horace which we wish you to consult fully, and give your aid in procuring and and forwarding or rather bringing to us.

And now, Bro. Kesler, May the Lord God of Israel bless and preserve you and give you wisdom according to your necessities, health and ability to perform this Mission, and return unto us in peace and safety.

I remain, as ever,
Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ.

Brigham Young