G. S. L. City, U. T. Octr. 20th 1858
Horace S. Eldridge, Esqr.
St. Louis,
Dear Brother:--
We have received advices from Liverpool from which we learn that our St. Louis indebtedness is liquidated, and a fair prospect for additional assistance, if you shall need. We consider, therefore, that prospects justify the expectation that you will be able to fill all our bills.
As you are aware, it is exceedingly desirable for us to gain our admission into the Union, let all our friends put their faith and efforts together so far as they can consistently to promote this object. Encourage the Brethren to emigrate, and if they cannot come entirely through, come up as far as Florence and Genoa. We contemplate re-establishing our settlement at Deer Creek, and have written to Joseph E. Johnson to gather up a company, and come up to that point with his Printing Press, and establish a paper. He can defend the principles of popular sovereignty; advocate the Pacific Railroad and Telegraph, as well in Western Nebraska as elsewhere. You will please write to him and assist him to a company of Saints, if he concludes to come as suggested.
Tell Brothers Geo. Q. Cannon, and T. B.H. Stenhouse to let the pen flow freely where they have a chance to gain admission into the columns of newspapers, if it is only short paragraphs, and let them appear in a great many different papers distant from each other. In fact short sketches are doubtless the best, but brother Geo. Q. will understand all about these matters, as he will be directed by Col. Thomas L. Kane, and will, we trust, give sufficient propelling power to that mighty engine, the press, which has been so successful in the manufacture of public opinion against us. Furthermore, we expect him according to appointment to superintend the emigration, not that we design doing anything through the P. E. Fund Company next year,-- as you and he are aware already, but the general emigration; to urge them forward early in the season, counsel the Saints, and generally to use his influence to promote that object; to strengthen Genoa, and the settlement at Deer Creek, and have come through as possible. We have instructed Bro. Calkin to have the European saints emigrate to the United States, if they cannot even go any further at present, and many such might make their way up to Florence and Genoa who are not yet able to come any further; and in this way ultimately make their through to the Vallies.
The government trains of supplies are coming in slowly, elucidating the important fact that they can barely cross the palins in one season, even if they have no opposition. I say barely, for many of them are now in the snow, I understand there has been a great loss of stock; the snow on the Big Mountain is said to be three feet deep, And the Army, what shall we say of its prestige? Why, they have traveled one hundred and fifty miles from Bridger to Cedar Valley and went into winter quarters in June; hence have had all summer and fall to fix quarters, and they are also caught in the snow, having completed very few, if any, of the quarters for the men. The officers, of course fare better, but we do not trouble ourselves about their affairs, so <that they> do not trouble us.
Our brother, Wm. Cook, late from Australia, where he had been on a mission, and whose wife is a teacher of Music, Actress &c., was lately shot while in the discharge of his duty as policeman by a Camp follower who has, we believe, succeeded in making his escape. Brother Cook died of his wound about a week after, and was buried yesterday, the 19th. inst. He was a very quiet, inoffensive man, and was killed without having given the least provocation. How long must we submit to have our best citizens shot down with impunity? This is the civilization, the christianity that our enemies would fasten upon us.
The Army of the U. S. has become a nuisance in any community; they stir up and cause more Indian disturbances than they suppress. Besides the massacre at Salmon river last winter, and the various depredations of the Indians in driving off stock, of which you are already aware, six of our people have been killed by them during the summer. You will remember the massacre in Salt Creek Kanyon in June last, wherein four persons lost their lives. Now, again, as you will see by this week's paper, two more of our brethren, Josiah Call and Saml. Brown, have lost their lives, and nothing has been done about it in either case. But we prefer that the army and officers should not make any move in the matter; for we feel that they would only make matters worse. Indeed, we fear, as it is, that by their tampering with the Indians we shall become involved in a war with them; but we trust that we may through the kind Providence of the Lord steer clear of it. If it were not for the officers, and the army was withdrawn we would very soon settle matters with the Indians.
My health, and brother Kimball's has been quite poor of late, but both are improving now.
We want our writers to set forth the facts in relation to the Mail contract being annulled, so we send you a sketch of dates, &c inclosed. You are aware that it had long been a cherished object with us to establish an Express Carrying Company &c., across the plains whenever the way should open to enable us to do so. Upon the contract for carrying the Mail being awarded to Hiram Kimball, we were able to make such arrangements with him as to avail ourselves of the benefits of that contract to assist us in that desirable object. Though the contract was taken at a very low rate, only $22.000.00. per year for a monthly Mail, and for which service Mr. Magraw had received $35.000.00, yet we conceived that it would help us in our cherished object. We expended in erection of Mail stations, animals, mail wagons, supplies, &c., it is supposed over two hundred thousand dollars, besides effecting the nucleus of several settlements at different points along the route for raising grain &c. for animals, where passengers could find rest and refreshment. The service was promptly put upon the route months before any official notification came to this city, that the contract had been awarded to Mr. Kimball, he acting upon a notice which appeared in a California paper that it had been so awarded. Facilities had been put upon the road so that the June Mail was taken down in the unprecedented short time of 16 days, when the Carriers fround that the contract was nullified. Mr. Stoddard, who was in waiting to bring up the July Mail, was refused it by the Postmaster at Independence; upon that ground he then offered to bring it without compensation, but was told that the instructions from the Department would not allow it to be brought by any of our people. It is worthy of remark that this was about the time that the Administration were starting out the Expedition against Utah: note also the reason assigned for committing this outrage against Utah was for a failure on the part of Mr. Kimball to put service upon the road, and the unsettled state of affairs in Utah rendering the U. S. Mail unsafe. The Mails were taken away from us and detained at Fort Bridger -- (Camp Scott) where our papers were thrown about all winter, no mail arriving here from the East from July 1857 to July 1858. The public are not acquainted with these facts, and we think they might be handled with good effect. You are aware that the Government now pays $195,000.00 to Hockaday and Burr, for carrying a weekly mail from St. Joseph's to G. S. L. City: thus it is and always has been, plenty of money to pay our enemies, but none for a Mormon, let him perform ever so faithful service.
Brother Horace, we think of returning you as our Delegate to Congress next year; you will therefore do well to spend a few weeks in Washington City this winter, and acquaint yourself as much as possible with affairs of legislation business in that capacity.
In regard to returning in the Spring you can do as you please, either come and bring your wife home with you, leave her and come yourself, send her and remain, or both stay just as suits you best. In case, however, that you conclude to remain, we wish you to be particular and see that every thing is properly started upon the plains in good season, and judicious men placed in charge. We would prefer Brother Kesler to not be burdened with the charge of a train as we think it would be too much for him. We hope he is well, as also yourself, and all of the company; and that you have made a successful trip down.
We improve the opportunity of sending this package by Senator Broderick of California, who has kindly consented it to deliver it to you. He is on his way to Washington City, and has a letter of introduction to you, and may be of service to you in forming other acquaintances of Members &c. We had a very agreeable visit together last evening at my office. His health is quite poor, but we trust he will feel better when he gets a little rest, though he has not much time to remain here and safely make the journey he contemplates.
Let your intercourse with Col. Kane be confidential, and move about from place to place without attracting more than necessary notice; as also Brother Cannon, not that we think you or he is apt to make any unecessary display, but simply as a caution to be wise and discreet, and while you, with our good friend, move the whole world no one will know who has done it.
May God bless and sustain you and all Israel, and help them to triumph over all their enemies.
I remain, as ever, Your friend and Brother
In the Gospel of Christ.
Brigham Young
P. S. We have concluded to send our letters by Mr. Henry Kinkead, instead of Senator Broderick, as he might be troubled to find you, and Mr. Kinkead is acquainted with you, and says that he will take pleasure in delivering <them> to you in person.
Remember always that you are not to run us in debt.
B. Y.
Consult freely with Brother George Q. show him this letter, and also Col. Kane if you think proper, or let Bro. George do so, if it should appear best to do it through him, as he is more particularly in confidence with him; and it may not be best to have too many to intrude upon him. We hope he is restored to health; and you must remember that you and all of the Elders with you are continually remembered by us, when we pray unto our Father, to deliver Israel from their enemies.
We enclose the entire package to you. You will please to deliver or transmit. Say to Bro. Kesler not to purchase any part of a Cotton factory, except per bill now in your possession, as brother E. R. Young, who is now here, will look after that business, and make his own arrangements, orders &c.
Brigham Young