1858 November 11 or 12 Memoranda for Amasa Lyman


1858 November 11 or 12 Memoranda for Amasa Lyman


A memoranda for Amasa Lyman containing names of those selected to go to the Legislative Assembly.




[Brigham Young]


Amasa Lyman


1858 November 11 or 12 [Likely]


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages




Item sets

Memoranda for Amasa Lyman.

The Legislative Assembly will meet in accordance with the Law of the Territory at the Social Hall, in G. S. L. City, on the second Monday of Decr. 1858, at 10. a.m., organize and immediately adjourn to meet in Fillmore City.

All of the Members who are selected to go. to Fillmore from this City, and the Northern counties will come prepared to go to Fillmore City immediately after the adjournment.

As only a quorum of each House is necessary to convene in each place to regulate about the adjournments, the following arrangements are made; Names of Members who will meet at G. S. L. City on the second monday of December:
Of the Council from Malad and Box Elder Counties --Lorenzo Snow 
Weber County --Lorin Farr 
Davis County --Jos. Holbrook 
G. S. L. County --H. C, Kimball, D. H. Wells, Albert Carrington, W. Woodruff, F. D. Richards,
Iron Count --Geo. A. Smith

Of the House of Representatives, from
Malad and Box Elder Counties, Jonathan C. Wright,
Weber County, Chauncey W. West
Davis County, Charles C. Rich, Saml. Henderson.
G. S. L. County, John Taylor, Orson Hyde, Danl. Spencer, A. P., Rockwood, Hosea Stout, James W. Cummings, J. C.
Little, Jos. A. Young, H. B. Clawson, E. D. Woolley, Alex. McRae, and Saml. W. Richards.
Tooele County, John Rowberry. 17

As there will be a quorum for each house from this and the Northern Counties, there need not any come from the South of this County, until they adjourn from Fillmore.

All the Members south of G. S. L. County, and a sufficient number to make a quorum of each House from this City, and the counties North will meet at Fillmore City, on Monday the 20th, or sooner if they can do so, and immediately pass a Joint Resolution, each House acting seperately (not in Joint Session) adjourning to the Social Hall in G. S. L. City.

The following Members will meet at Fillmore as set forth above.
Names of the Council from
Millard County, Lewis Brunson;
San Pete County, Warren S. Snow;

Those, Brother Amasa will please notify. They will convene at Fillmore on the second Monday, and adjourn from day to day until a quorum arrives.
From G. S. Lake County, Wilford Woodruff, and F. D. Richards
Weber County Lorin Farr
Box Elder County Lorenzo Snow, 8

Names of Representatives
Iron & Washington Counties, Isaac C. Haight and Robert D. Covington
Millard & Beaver Counties, Philo T. Farnsworth,
San Pete County, Geo. Peacock
Juab County, Jacob G. Bigler
Utah and Cedar Counties, Aaron Johnson, Preston Thomas, Jas. C. Snow;

These, Brother Amasa will please notify. They will convene at Fillmore on the second Monday, and adjourn from day to day until a quorum arrives.
Tooele & Shambip Counties, John Rowberry.
G. S. L. County, Saml. W. Richards, H. B. Clawson, Jos. A. Young,
Jas. W. Cummings, A. P. Rockwood, Danl. Spencer.
Davis County, Chas. C. Rich, Saml. Henderson,
Weber County, Chauncey W. West; 18

The Officers of each House will accompany the Members to Fillmore.