1858 August 6 Letter to Asa Calkins


1858 August 6 Letter to Asa Calkins


A request and authorization to collect annuities on behalf of Sims.




George Sims


Asa Calkins


1858 August 6


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Legal Matters
Financial Matters

Item sets

Presidents Office
Great Salt Lake City Augt. 6 1858

Prest Asa Calkin

Dear Brother :--
I have just received a letter by mail <in>forming me of the death of my Aunt Ann Prudence Sims, late of 28 Boston Street Dorset Square London England; which took place Feby 3' 1858.

A letter has reached me, from her executor Mr. William Henry Powell. Pawnbroker by profession, residing at Upper Park Place Dorset Square London Eng, informing me that she has bequeathed to her Sister. Juliana Eliza Sims $200. her sister Julia left her husband in England he being violently opposed to the Gospel, and not using very well.
This will is worded that Julia is to receive her money independent of an husband she has or may have.

The money is deposited in the Bank of England. This letter also informs me that I can receive my money. In my aunts, lifetime she placed twenty four long annuties in my name and hers also making it joint property.

These annuities expire in the year 1860. The interest of the each annuity is one pound per annum, that very possible the interest is worth as much as t[t.s.--word missing] annuities. If this is not the case use your best judgment (to)get the most
Accompanying this letter please find two powers (of) Attorney giving you authority to collect the same <(one)> in the name of George Sims and the other
[page missing?]

that the Adjutant General Jas. Ferguson enjoys his usual good health. Bro.[r] D. O. Calder, T. W. Ellerbeck Jno T. Caine, H, B. Clawson, continue to pursue the even tenor of their ways. As to my myself I deeply mourn the loss of my first wife by who died last Feby of Consumption.

The first Presidency are well. I saw your first wife yesterday she was quite well, and desired me to say that all was well with them
This season is good for fruit, numbers of rosy apples, meet your eye in travelling through the City, Currants are plenty, also peaches tho' not yet ripe.

In regard to your services in obtaining this money, we will promply and cheerfully remunerate you.

I remain Your Bro in the Gospel of Christ

George Sims