G. S. L. City, March 18th. 1859.
Elder J. W. Coward,
St. Louis, Mo,
Dear Brother:--
Yours of Jan. 7, 14 & 21 came safe to hand, with newspaper clippings; their address was doubtless the main reason for being allowed to pass that official scrutiny which other communications are not so fortunate as to escape, for I have advices of many letters being forwarded to me, and only a very few reach their legal destination.
Judge Cradlebaugh commenced holding court in Provo on the 8th inst., by what law or authority, except mob law and downright usurpation, we have yet to learn. And further, his appearance in court was attended with the pretence of a company of infantry from Camp Floyd, solely upon the requisition of the Judge, and directly contrary to one of the promises made by the Peace Commissioners, and without the least shadow of right. The design is obvious, but, so late as the 14th inst., evil plots had signally failed, through the over-ruling of a kind Providence. From the beginning of the late movement, and more particularly since the Fall of 1857, the great majority of the army also of the suttlers, traders freighters, and camp followers have been anxious to provoke a collision with the citizens, and have spoken, written, and acted to that end, but the citizens have constantly exercised a most wise and nobel forbearance, which we trust they will continue to exercise, at least so long as wisdom may dictate. Judge Cradlebaugh's charge and the court reports to the 13th instant. You will find in No. 2, vol. 9. of the 'News,' and will be able to make your own comments thereon. Gov. cumming is on a visit to Provo, and probably will endeavor to secure to the citizens their rights, so far as he may be able, for his official course thus far has been uniformly upon the side of constitutional law and the rights of the people, to the best of my information.
The weather continues cool and lowery, with a few inches of snow on the ground, winter releasing its hold very gradually and reluctantly.
At the time you was instructed to pay a Mrs Allen $100 it was understood that Canute Peterson was to forward Mrs Allen a draft for that amount; whether he failed to do so, or whether it did not come into her possession, or what is the trouble, I do not know, but will write to br. Peterson and learn the position of the affair, as I have no information now in my possession concerning what Mrs Allen the money was to be paid to.
In regard to your business relations with br. Howard, if you wish to have them attended to, I know of no way but for you to come here and see to the matter yourself. Should you deem it worth while to do so, you are at perfect liberty to come whenever you think best, and it will be all right.
Owing to the state of the weather, it is still uncertain as to what particular day br. E. R. Young and company will start for Florence, to haul up a portion of the woolen machinery and other freight; but they will be ready to start as soon as the state of the roads, &c will permit.
Please inform br. Horace that I wish him to purchase twenty five (25) pounds of sulphur and forward it with my other freight.
A letter addressed to Susan Little has been lately advertised in the Mo. Republican, and br Feramorz Little wishes you to call at the office and get it, if you can, and let br. Eldredge open and read it, as he will be able to judge whether it contains any matter of importance which relates to br. F. Little, and, if so, to forward it here, otherwise return it to the post office. Brother Little is under the impression that said letter contains some matter of importance designed for him, but in this of course may be mistaken; however no injury will result to any one by the examination. Br. Little's mother's name was Susan.
May God Bless you.
Respectfully, Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young