G. S. L. City, U. T.
Jany. 14th, 1859
President A. Calkin,
Dear Brother:--
Since I last wrote to you, nothing of very grave or serious import has transpired in our mountain home. The army remains quietly encamped in Cedar Valley, enjoying ample opportunity for perfecting any lack of discipline, if necessary and they are so disposed, while the citizens are, as usual, pursuing those industrial avocations permitted by the season. The District Court for this the 3rd. Judicial District has been in session some thirty days, and has disposed of only one case, to wit:-- the acquittal of bro. James Ferguson indicted for threatening Judge Stiles when sitting upon the bench, with a view to intimidate him while holding court. It has been proven that the Territorial and court records and papers are safe, that Hockaday's tannery is here and undisturbed, and the acquittal of bro. Ferguson, after a tedious trial in the District Court, has disposed of the last allegation in the late hue and cry against Utah, viz:- 'that the U. S. Courts had been intimidated and broken up.' There is one thing certain, in connection with this matter, no people in our country would so patiently endure the abuse heaped upon them by all the Judges sent here, except Judges Shaver, Reed and Kinneym as have and still do the people of Utah. All is well, the Lord reigneth, and turneth the hearts of the children of men as the rivers of water are turned.
We have drawn upon you for the following amounts:--
Draft No. 103, favor of Thomas Tame, Birmingham for $50.00
" " 104 " " Mary Parry, Kingswood, Woottonuredge, Gloucestershire 29.10
" " 105 " " William Jeffries, Bath, for 40.00
" " 106 " " Thos. Mills, senr. Castle-town, Isle of Man for 25.00
Please pay one year's subscription to the Liverpool Albion, and have that office send their paper for one year to the Lehi Reading Club, Lehi, Utah Co., U. T.,' and charge the amount to Trustee in Trust.
On the 23rd. of November last I advised you that I had drawn upon you
draft No 98, favor of Wm. H. Hooper, for $10,000.00/100
" " 99, " " Isaac Fox, " 72.75
" " 100 " " " " " 177.25
Sister Jones Wishes to know whether the draft for £34.0.0 payable to Wm. Jones at the bank of Barnstaple, Devonshire, forwarded by F. D. Richards to O. Pratt, has been paid.
John Tate has deposited $75.00/100 to emigrate Mary Sutree, Leeds Conference, to this place; her place of residence can be learned by applying to her mother Mrs. Britton, North Deighton, or in Wetherby, Yorkshire.
Bro. Horace S. Eldredge is again in the States our accredited agent for the transaction of business, and I trust that you will respond to his requests for pecuniary assistance, so far as he may have occasion to make them, whenever it is within your ability so to do.
Your letter of Nov. 12, under cover to George Sims, Esq., came safe to hand, and afforded me much gratification to learn of your travels among the Saints and of the prosperity attending the Latter-day work in Europe.
Forward on the emigration as rapidly as you may deem to be consistent, up to Genoa, Deer Creek, and so on, those coming after, and unable to come through at once, taking the places of those who preceded them, until they also can work their way through.
On Sunday, Jan. 2, 1859, so soon as the Tabernacle was refitted, and for the first time since our 'move,' public service began again to be held in the Tabernacle, Elder Orson Pratt, Sen., addressing the congregation on that day and on Sunday last.
Your family are well and doing well, the health of the Saints generally good and their spirits calm, prayerful and commendable.
Praying for your prosperity in every good work and work, I remain, as ever Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young