1859 April 8 Letter to B. F. Johnson


1859 April 8 Letter to B. F. Johnson


Brigham does not object to shipping wheat and salt.




Brigham Young


B. F. Johnson


1859 April 8


Great Salt Lake City
Santa Quin, Utah County


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Ap'l 8" 1859.

Elder B. F. Johnson
Santa Quin, Utah Co. U. T.

Dear Brother;
Yours of March 31st with inclosure, is at hand, and in reply I have to inform you that I know of no objection to your acting, in regard to taking or sending wheat and salt, as your judgement, feelings and means may dictate and permit. Wheat will ripen, though it does not reach that locality so soon, by from 4 to 8 weeks, as the time specified. It is anticipated that some empty teams will start for Florence, at as early a date as will admit of travelling, say, if you should not conclude to go or send teams yourself.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

(signed) B. Young