1859 April 10 Letter to Joseph Horne


1859 April 10 Letter to Joseph Horne


Updates on the court, a murder of a U. S. District Attorney and the mail. Seeds are sent for planting.




Brigham Young


Joseph Horne


1859 April 10


Great Salt Lake City
Heberville, Washington County, U. T.



Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Ap'l 10, 1859.

Elder Joseph Horne,
Heberville, Washington Co. U. T.,

Dear Brother:--
Nothing of very great interest or importance has transpired since your departure. The Court in Provo adjourned on the 4th Inst; the particulars of its doings you will learn in the News? The last Eastern mail which arrived on the 9th, brought little but details concerning the killing of P. B. Key, U. S. District Attorney for the District of Columbia, by Hon. Danl. E. Sickles, M. C. from New York, for the seduction of his wife; Sickles was in jail awaiting the action of the Grand Jury of the Criminal Court of that District. Postmaster General Brown died on the 8th of March, and a Mr. Holt, of the Patent office, is appointed in his place. Congress adjourned on the 4th March, without making any appropriation for the Post Office Dep'mt, or for Territories, except the usual one for Legislative purposes. What will be done about mails, after the 30th June next, rests with Postmaster General Holt.
I enclose you a few Cotton seeds, 3 or 4, forwarded in last mail by Dr. Bernhisel, and I wish you to plant them carefully and far enough from all other kinds not to mix, and till them faithfully, that, if they prove a valuable kind, not to mix, and till them faithfully, that, if they prove a valuable kind, they may be kept pure & the most made of them for next season's planting.

It is a general time of health, and I am not aware but that your family are all well. The weather is still cool and somewhat stormy, but prospects for good crops, are flattering.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

(signed) B. Young