1859 April 9 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1859 April 9 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


A request to hold onto the books until a secure way to send them is available.




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1859 April 9


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California


Business Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
April 9th, 1859.

Elder Dwight Eveleth,
San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Brother:--
Yours of March 20th, with enclosed bill, came to hand per last mail, also the copy of the S. F. Times you so kindly forwarded. I am much obliged to you for filling the order for books, though I did not anticipate that you would pay out your own funds in so doing, for I presumed so small an amount could be arranged with the local tithing. I will remit the $117.00/100 to you by the first reliable opportunity, unless previously advised by you that you that you have already received, from the tithing funds a part or the whole of that amount.

It is expected that, as heretofore, and more abundantly for a brief time longer, politicians in power will use every means, both fair & foul, lawful and unlawful, especially the latter, to retain place; and that the 'outs' will use like means to become the 'ins.' In such warfare 'Utah' and the 'Mormons' will be written, spoken and printed about without the least regard as to the facts and truth in the case, but almost solely with a view to accomplish selfish, political ends, gratify religious bigotry and intolerance, or compass some unworthy design at the sacrifice of the rights of fellow beings.

If the books above alluded to are not already forwarded, previous to your receipt of this, please retain them in your possession until you have a safe and perfectly reliable opportunity for sending them, as it has too often been our misfortune to order goods, pay for them, but never receive them.

Certain characters have as yet signally failed in their plans for forceing a violent collision with the people of Utah, much to their chagrin, and at the expense of much forbearance on the part of many, and in fine, all good citizens. You will find detail of Court doings in Provo in the Deseret News.

The season is very backward, but promises well for productive harvests.

Please accept my thanks for a very acceptable package of pictorial papers.
I am, as ever, your Brother in the Gospel,

(signed) B. Young