1859 January 10 Letter to Charles B. Hancock


1859 January 10 Letter to Charles B. Hancock


Counsel for bishops to not use any of the tithing funds in their possession. Time and attention should be devoted to fulfilling the church calling and not on business and speculation.




Brigham Young


Charles B. Hancock


1859 January 10


Great Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City,
Jan. 10. 1859.

Bishop Charles B. Hancock.

Dear Bro.

Your letter of the 3rd inst. was received, and I spoke to bro. Fairbanks my feelings in relation to the subject to which my attention was called by the letter.  As I told bro Fairbanks, I do not wish to cramp you in order to make a settlement of what you are owing.  It will be time enough for you to fret about it when called upon; but I do not recommend that any Bishop should use, or speculate upon, any portion of the tithing in his possession; but to promptly pay it over as quickly as possible to the General Tithing Office, where it belongs, but I will not let any spirit of speculation or business, infringe in any wise upon the time you should devote to your calling as a bishop; but seek to possess the rich influences of the Spirit of God and communicate the same all around you and to those of your ward who are dull and careless in the matter of their religion, and if you do so you need in no wise care anything about any reports or rumors that may reach me concerning your doings.

Praying God to bless and prosper you in all things, I remain truly your friend & brother

Brigham Young