G. S. L. City, April 15. 1859.
Elder J. W. Coward,
St Louis, Mo.
Dear Brother:--
I enclose two affidavits, one by David Evans and one by George Reader, and wish you to forward them, upon receipt, to br. George Q. Cannon. To day is the first real spring like day of the season, and many are astir in gardening operations; though the weather still wears an unsettled aspect.
A few days since a Mr. Brookie. U. S. Deputy Marshal, by order of Judge Cradlebaugh, who is acting in Camp Floyd as a committing Magistrate, proceeded with some soldiers as a posse, to Tooele and took in custody Mr. Lysander Gee. Gee told Brookie that he would not be arrested by a military posse, but that he was perfectly ready and willing to go with him to Camp Floyd, and did so. I have heard that Gee was wanted in some question about a span of horses, but, when there has in no case been the least restrained, or any thought of it that I am aware of, to any civil process, even when said process has been illegal, why make every kind of and all arrests with military aid? Is it not obviously done with a view to stir up strife, if possible, and create abroad an unjust prejudice against Utah and assist the 'contractors' war upon the Treasury?
Probably because the Valley Tan was short of spicy items for its next issue, Secretary Hartnett got out a writ of replevin for a blank book he had handed to the Secretary of the Legislative Council, in which to record the proceedings of said Council. The law makes it the duty of the Secretary for Utah to make such record, but Mr. Leo Hawkins, at the request of Mr. Hartnett, received said book and began to record the Council proceedings therein, and long ago had nearly finished the record, but was taken sick before its completion, and has ever since continued too unwell to labor, and is now very low. Mr Hartnett wished for the record, and Mr. Hawkins remarked, when called upon, that he did not feel authorized to deliver the record without an order from Gen. Wells, the President of the Council, and Pres. Wells said to Mr. Hartnett that the Council's Secretary had been sick or the record would have been promptly completed, and that he thought Mr. Hawkins' labor ought to be paid for whenever the record should be taken from his care. The next heard of the matter was upon yesterday, when Secretary Hartnett and U. S. Marshal Dotson appeared in the Historians Office, where Mr Hawkins had his deck for clerical duties, and took the book and carried it off, no one hindering, and not having at any time thought of retaining the book, when properly called for. To-day Marshall Dotson called at the Historians Office and handed Col. George A. Smith a copy of the writ. which ran to Mr. Hawkins and Gen. Wells, but has not been served on Gen. Wells. Thus much for no cause, but 'Tan' must have a certain character of copy, and when it cannot be had in one way it must in another. Affairs here are still working to the confusion and discomfiture of the enemies of truth and good order, much to the chagrin of those who delight in violence and mob rule.
As soon as convenient, be so kind as to favor br. George Q. with a perusal of this letter, or a copy thereof, and oblige
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young