G. S. L. City, April 28. 1859
Elder J. W. Coward,
St Louis, Mo.
Dear Brother:--
The last Eastern mail, which arrived on the 24th inst., brought letters from you dated Feb. 11, March 12 and 19, and one from br. Horace, Mar 26; all received since my last to you, date April 15.
By the first reliable and safe opportunity some $10 to 11,000 in available funds will be forwarded to br. Horace, which, with what has been and may yet be in his control, will, probably, enable him to fill the bills, or to nearly so as to answer every necessary purpose for the present. Bro. Horace is advised how to cut down the bills, should he find himself obliged to do so.
The snow on the Big mountain, the water in Weber Canon, and other matters still prevent my being able to advise how many teams will start from here for Florence, or when they will start, or, finally, whether it will be deemed best to send any, but will inform you upon the first opportunity after this point is determined. Say to Bro Horace do not buy any more goods than he can purchase teams to haul, and if teams do go from here they can stay long enough to buy their loading. If he wishes to know what makes me feel well in business matters, it is to not have goods bought and strewn along the way to be damaged and lost, and to know that no debts of ours, either there or here are oppressing any one, and then we can sleep soundly and sweetly. And whether br. Horace purchases and forwards much or little, it will be all right so he keeps his spirits up to the mountain standard and does not permit his feelings to droop. Should affairs here and in the States continue as favorable as at present, and br. Horace should deem it prudent and advisable to incur a small amount of indebtedness for articles of much use or real necessity, to be forwarded as above specified, it will be right; but, if convenient, I would prefer such indebtedness to be outside of St Louis.
Notwithstanding many flying rumors, and the persistent efforts of army suttlers, camp followers, &c. to the contrary, affairs here at present are very quiet. Two companies of infantry and one of dragoons, accompanied by Judge Cradlebaugh, left Camp Floyd on the 21st inst. to meet and escort Major Prince on the Santa Clara, who is returning from Cal. where he has been for money to pay the troops. Whether Judge Cradlebaugh accompanied the escort to act as a committing magistrate in Iron and Washington Counties, or whether, as some say, on his way to Sonora, Arizona or California, is not yet known by us. Spring is at length here, and plowing and seeding are in active operation, with excellent prospects for an abundant harvest.
Your relatives and friends, and those of the brethren in the States, are well, so far as I am aware, as also are the people generally.
Please inform br. G. Q. C. that I have before me letters from him bearing date Jan. 9 and 25, and Mar 4, and shall write to him fully by the first opportunity.
Praying for your welfare in every good work I remain your
Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young