1859 April 28 Letter to Asa Calkins


1859 April 28 Letter to Asa Calkins


A request for a detailed financial statement from Liverpool and a plea to look into the inheritance of Stephen Maloney. Members of the seventy may be cut off under certain circumstances.




Brigham Young


Asa Calkins


1859 April 28


Great Salt Lake City
Islington, Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Church Discipline

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City,
April 28. 1859

President A. Calkin
40 Islington, Liverpool, England.

Dear brother,
Since my last to you, I have received yours of Jan. 15, & 28. Feb 20, and March 4, with balance sheets enclosed so far as advised.

It will give this office a much better understanding of the position of the business of the Liverpool office if you can, in future, forward a detailed account current in lieu of the balance sheets heretofore forwarded, or in addition to such balance sheets.

You have the right, in a regular Conference meeting, or in a special conference in which are High Priests, Seventies and Elders to cut a Seventy off from the Church, the authorities present, or a majority thereof sustaining the motion. A Seventy's Quorum has the right to disfellowship, or suspend one of its members, and refer its action to head quarters, or the Presidency of the field in which he is laboring. Until further instructed, please continue to honor drafts drawn by brs. Eldredge and Cannon, so far as you may be able.

Since advising you of the probability of a train's leaving here for Florence, and that perhaps a portion of your family would embrace the opportunity for visiting relatives in the States, circumstances have transpired rendering it uncertain whether we shall send down any teams this season; should we send as we probably shall he visit advised of is still contemplated.

Bro. Stephen Maloney states that Pound100. was willed to him by Matthew Glynn of Hiltanon Nursery, to be received by him when he was of age. James Maloney Esq, of Hiltanon House, is as Executor. Stephen Maloney is the son of Michael and Ellen Maloney; his mother's maiden name was also Ellen Maloney; he was born in Heltanon Nursery, near Tulla, in the Parish of Tulla, County Clare, Ireland, Dec. 1829, and was baptized in the Catholic Chapel in Tulla; he left Ireland in 1848. Be so good as to learn the condition of said Pound100. and the steps br Maloney will have to take to get it, and inform me at your earliest convenience
As heretofore advised, the brethren can come to the States whenever they are ready and choose, and be working their way to this place as opportunities present.

On the 21st inst, 2 Companies of Infantry and 1 of Dragoons left Camp Floyd to meet on the Santa Clara and escort Major Prince, who is on his return from Cal. with money to pay the troops. Judge Cradlebaugh accompanied the escort, whether to act as committing majistrate in the southern counties, or whether on his way to Sonora, Arizona, or California, has not yet transpired here.

Affairs are very quiet at present, notwithstanding the strong contrary efforts of those who prefer disturbances and violence as conditions more conjenial to their disposition and desires.

The weather is at length warm and delightful, and nearly every one is busily engaged in plowing, seeding, fencing and other operations connected with the industrious tilling of the soil, with every prospect of abundant harvests.
Your family and friends and the people generally are in the enjoyment of excellent health.

Praying for your welfare in every good work, I remain

Your brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P. S. I have drawn upon you
draft No 107, for $75.00 favor of
Henry Jackson, which please honor