1859 February 11 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


1859 February 11 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


Contains instructions for assisting Elizabeth Tilt and Charlotte Buvelot with emigration to Utah from New York.




Brigham Young


Horace S. Eldredge


1859 February 11


Great Salt Lake City
[St. Louis, Missouri]


Overland Travel

Item sets

G. S. L. City Feb 11th. 1859

Horace S. Eldredge, Esqr.

Dear Brother:--

Your note dated New York Jan. 1st, came safe to hand.  We also received a note from Jos. W. and Bro. Coward.  We shall write you more at length by private conveyance about the first of March; and our object in writing now is to advise you in regard to aiding some to emigrate so as to be ready in time.

John A. Hunt sends for Elizabeth Tilt, care of William Parr, Clason Avenue, between Myrtle and Flushing Avenue, East Brooklyn, N. Y:  And Ursenbach sends for his Aunt Charlotte Buvelot, south corner 2nd. Street, Williamsburgh, N. Y.  The arrangements can be made for their emigration to this place, and the money will come to you by private conveyance.  It is already deposited with us.  

You will please to aid these persons with means and get them into some company with a good captain

If brother Stenhouse comes on the ensuing season it is the wish of bro. Ursenbach that it should be so arranged for them to come together,

As ever your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young