1859 June 14 Letter to Southern Bishops


1859 June 14 Letter to Southern Bishops


Two brethren are sent to collect tithing cattle and sheep from the bishops. A record is requested showing who is to be credited for each donation.




Brigham Young


Southern Bishops


1859 June 14


Great Salt Lake City


Perpetual Emigration Fund

Item sets

Presidents Office
Great Salt Lake City

June 14th 1859.

Dear Brethren:--
There is probably considerable cattle and sheep Tithing due in your respective Wards. We now have need for this stock to pay our debts. We have sent out our Brethren Bros. James W. Cummings and John T. D. McAllister to gather up this stock who will dispose of it according to our instructions you will therefore please to aid these brethren all in your power in procuring us this.

Bros. Cummings & McAllister will make arrangements in regard to points of delivery and will doubtless need some assistance in driving stock to the place or places designated. Whatever stock which of right belongs to the Emigrating Funds or any that can be procured on indebtedness to the Fund or any due the Church will be thankfully received on the present occasion and any arrangements in regard to or disposition of stock which Brother Cummings and McAllister shall make on our account will be ratified at this office and they are hereby fully authorized to act in the premises the same as we might or could if present with you. You will also keep a strict account of all the stock furnished and on what account applied in your respective wards and report the same to this Office at your earliest convenience, an account of the same will also be kept and rendered to this Office by Bros. Cummings and McAllister upon their return.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young Sen.

To the Bishops, south of Great Salt Lake City to Manti