1861 November 8 Letter to William W. Taylor


1861 November 8 Letter to William W. Taylor


Counsel on how Taylor can assist his friends to emigrate.




Brigham Young


William W. Taylor


1861 November 8


Great Salt Lake City
Lehi, Utah County, U. T.


Financial Matters

Item sets

President's Office. G. S. L. City
Nov. 8, 1861.

Elder Wm. W. Taylor,
Lehi, Utah Co., U. T.

Dear Brother:-In reply to your note of 1st inst., I have to inform you that it would afford us great pleasure to assist, next season, in immigration the poor Saints from Liverpool to Florence, but only money will answer for that purpose, which we have not either here or in the Liverpool Office. From Florence to this place, as was done this season, your friends can be brought at a very trifling outlay of money, by sending a team and wagon for them.

Under these circumstances, and not knowing when we will have cash funds at our disposal for the immigration, it will be your best plan to turn into money such articles as you wish to spare in aid of your friends, and when it is deposited in this Office the Liverpool Office will be advised that they can draw there for that amount. This is all the assistance we can at present extend to you in your very laudable design of helping the poor to emigrate, and trust you may be blest in making turns for money to the amount needed, in season for the next year's operations.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young