Nov. 15, 1861.
Pres. Amasa M. Lyman
care of Pres. George Q. Cannon.
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:
Your very welcome and interesting favor of Sep. 17 is at hand, and its perusal gave us much information concerning the condition and feelings of the Saints in the Scandinavian mission, and of the healthy and prosperous state of the work there. We could easily wish that all the worthy who desire to gather here had means for accomplishing so laudable a desire, but the Lord opens the way to all the faithful in his own good time; and it is for us to patiently abide that time, constantly practicing all due faithfulness, economy, prayerfulness, and diligence to be ready when the way does open.
The gathering of Israel is so important a part of the great work in which we are engaged that it occupies much of our thoughts, and we are ever anxious to afford it all just facilities and influence, even to the risk of infringing upon other requirements. For this reason, through want of money to use for that purpose, and notwithstanding <the> much labor we would like to perform here, we sent upward of 800 four yoke teams to Florence to assist across the plains. That plan proved very efficient, enabling every one at Florence to come through that wished to, and was a complete success, the companies making good time, and nearly all the cattle returning, and that too in much better [gap in typescript] generally than those bought on the frontiers. This encouraged us to [gap in typescript] send next Spring, as many teams as may be required for transporting the poor from Florence, To enable us to calculate the approximate requisite number, I have in recent letters, requested br's George Q. and Van Cott, to inform me, in season, of the probably number, that will be at Florence, next June, unable to provide themselves with teams.
As to money help, we at present can give no encouragement, for we have not money to spare for that purpose, neither here nor at Liverpool.
I have written to br Van Cott that he is at full liberty to return home next season; and in my letter of yesterday to br. Cannon I requested him to inform you and br. Charles C. Rich that you both were accorded the same privilege, which is again renewed in this letter, thinking that between the two letters you will stand a pretty sure chance to receive the word, which I also wish you to communicate to br Charles C. Br. Joseph F. Randall, of Payson, writes me that he furnished you a power of Attorney to collect money coming to his wife, which he has learned amounts to L483.4.8 or more, and which he of course is somewhat anxious to receive. I inclose you a copy of the Attorney's letter to sister Mary Ann Randall, lately to hand, thinking it may be of some service to you in the case you have [gap in typescript] may be pleased to have you do it at your earliest convenience; and if you do not succeed in obtaining payment of the amount due sister Randall and her child, please learn definitely the cause of hindrance, and inform me, if it is of a nature requiring action here, that steps may be taken accordingly. Should different or additional papers be required, not in your possession, but necessary be obrained from here, it will probably be best to get Messrs Sadler and Eddows, the Attorneys, to furnish the blanks requisite to be filled here, with such other information in detail as may be necessary to accomplish the object. Since the 24th ult. we have enjoyed telegraphic communication east and west to either ocean, whenever not interrupted by the accidental breaking down or buring of a pole, or a too highly electrical atmosphere. The completion of the overland telegraph will be an accommodation to you, when you reach New York, in case you should wish speedy information upon any point. To-day there is an interruption between Bridger and the Rock Ridge, probably a pole down, which will doubtless, as heretofore, soon be remedied. For this reason our present latest Washington date is the 11th inst., giving rumors of the taking of Beaufort, attack of Port Royal, &c.
While strife and bloodshed are wasting the States, we continue to enjoy the rich blessings of peace, in whose various occupations, according to localities and season, the people are most industriously occupied, and for which the weather is as yet very favorable. Workmen are busily engaged in putting the roof timbers upon the theatre, which we hope to have inclosed previous to interruption by rough weather, and to be able to so far finish the interior as to have it ready for comfortable use during a portion of the coming winter.
I have just received a letter from br. Erastus Snow on Corn Creek, who with others, is preceding the companies on their way to the Santa Clara and Ri[?] Virgin rivers, to select a site for the principle settlement. Upwards of 200 families, selected and volunteered, have started and are about to start to strengthen old and make new settlements in Washington County. Through an increased production of cotton, the raising of indigo, olives, &c we anticipate much general benefit from this southern movement. In the meantime br Ebenezer Hanks is busily occupied in preparation for manufacturing cotton in Parowan, an[?] expects to soon be furnishing the market with cotton. [gap in typescript] in demand. So far as I am aware, the families and friends of yourself and brs Charles and George Q. are well, and the people very generally continue to enjoy the beneficent boon of good health.
Praying that yours, [gap in typescript] br. Charles, br. George Q. and all who are faithfully laboring for the establishment of truth on the earth may be blest in all righteous desires, labors, and efforts, I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young