1861 November 28 Letter to Charles C. Rich


1861 November 28 Letter to Charles C. Rich


Brigham commends the success of the mission. He has extensive plans for emigration next Spring and provides updates on construction projects and new settlements. Several Leaders are called home.




Brigham Young


Charles C. Rich


1861 November 28


Great Salt Lake City
Islington, Liverpool, England

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Missionary Work
Building Construction
Church Leadership

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G. S. L. City, Nov 28, 1861.

Pres. Charles C. Rich,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,

Dear Brother:-- Please accept my thanks for your very interesting favor of Oct.14. We were much gratified to learn of the improved state of your health and br. Amasa's and that br's Van Cott and Liljenquist enjoyed good health. We also rejoice in the goodly report [gap in typescript] the blessings of our God upon the honest in heart enable you to make concerning the prosperity of the work in the Scandinavian Mission. Like goodly reports we receive from br. Cannon in regard to the great blessings attending the mission in the British Isles, and br. Bertrand advises us that the truths of the gospel are winning converts in Paris, and can now be spoken in some of the saloons. Truly the Lord is prospering His work and signally blessing His Saints, while He is beginning to vex the nations, and to break down the barriers that have prevented His Elders from searching out the honest among all peoples.

The oxen sent to Florence this season performed the trip so well and in such good time that we purpose trying to send next Spring as many as the poor may require, and perhaps some to sell. Br. George Q. has already been advised to inform us, at the earliest practicable date, of the probable number of the next year's emmigration, that we may have a basis upon which to calculate the number of teams that may be required. Many are inquiring whether they can turn in stock, wheat, &c., and have it apply on immigrating their relatives and friends, to whom, owing to the state of our cash funds, we are obliged to reply that we are unable to accommodate them in that manner for only cash will answer from Liverpool to Florence. But cattle, wagons, and teamsters we have, and the people have been prompt and liberal in responding to the call to aid their  brethren across the plains, which in the aggregate is a large amount of assistance, and should incite the brethren abroad to practice all possible diligence and economy to enable them to reach the frontiers, for neither the Fund nor the Church have money at present to use for emigrating purposes, nor do we now know when they will have it.

Commendable improvements have very generally characterized our settlements during the past season, and the usually mild weather is very favorable for their continued prosecution. The workmen are very busily engaged in putting the roof on the theatre, and we are in hopes to be able to have it inclosed previous to rough weather, when we expect to sufficiently complete it for comfortable use during the coming winter. Numerous stonecutters are at work, on the Temple Block, upon the large granite blocks which many teams are hauling from the quarry in Little Cottonwood, and industry prevails in all avocations incident to the season.

Br's Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow are with the brethren who have gone to Washington County to increase the production of cotton, to raise olives and make olive oil, and raise indigo, figs, and other products of warm climes. When last heard from they were in good health and spirits, as were also the brethren of that mission so far as we are advised.

In late letters to br's Lyman and Cannon, yourself and br. Amasa and br. Van Cott are informed that you are at full liberty to return home next season; and, lest those letters miss coming to hand, I again state that information in this, nothing doubting but what you will by that time have done a good work and answered a good conscience on your mission, and be pleased to again greet your friends and families in your mountain homes.

The health of br's Kimball and Wells has been rather poor for a short time past, but it is now improving, and they will probably be out again soon. As a general thing the people continue blest with the enjoyment of good health.

Instruct the Saints, especially the poor, that we are by no means unmindful of their anxiety to gather, and are ever ready to extend to them aid in money, when we have it, as freely as in teams, to the utmost limit wisdom may dictate, constantly desiring to do all in our power to build up and establish the kingdom of God on the earth.

Your family, as also br. Amasa's, so far as I know, is well, and home affairs continue peaceful and prosperous.

God bless you and all the faithful in all the world.

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