1862 January 1 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1862 January 1 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


Concerns Governor J. W. Dawson, who fled the Territory after making 'insulting proposals' to widow Albina M Williams.




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1862 January 1


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California



Item sets

G. S. L. City, Jan 1, 1862.

Elder Dwight Eveleth,
San Francisco, Cal.,

Dear Brother:-
I have just written a letter introducing br. Judson L. Stoddard to your kind attention, and improve the opportunity to forward a few additional lines to you by the same hands.

Mr. J. W. Dawson, the newly appointed Governor of Utah, made but a short tarry in the field of his official duties, arriving on the 6th and leaving on yesterday the 31st ult. We have been time after time imposed upon by miserable specimens of Government appointees, but no one of them has so speedily and foolishly exposed his inward corruption, and so suddenly fled facing the legitimate result of his own acts. On the 21st ult. he made insulting proposals to Mrs. Albina M. Williams, widow of the late Thomas S. Williams, and, as above stated, yesterday left for the east in the stage.

The weather continues mild; work is rapidly progressing upon the Temple, also upon our large and commodious theatre. The brethren are enjoying the hollidays, are blest with general good health, and affairs are progressing favorably for the truth, both here and elsewhere.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young