G. S. L. City, Jan. 7, 1862
Pres. George Q. Cannon,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:-
Your very welcome favors of Oct 25th and Nov 23 (with inclosures) came safely to hand, and were perused with the gratification invariably afforded by communications from you. We were pleased to learn that br's Amasa and Charles had returned in such good health, after so pleasant and we doubt not, mutually beneficial a visit to the brethren in the Scandinavian Mission.
In regard to this season's emigration, it will be necessary for you to very constantly and carefully watch the political horizon, and if the signs of the times indicate the beginning of war between England and the Northern States, previous to the usual time of our emigration's leaving Liverpool, it will be best for the brethren to use every exertion to make their escape to some port in the States or Canada, whichever at the time offers the fairest opportunity, for they can then make their way here in such manner and time as circumstances may permit. You will please keep the brethren advised of this view of the subject, and hold yourself in readiness to charter a vessel or vessels upon very short notice, for our latest telegrams indicate a very uneasy feeling between England and the Northern States, and should war break out between them it is uncertain when there would be an opportunity for emigrating.
I think Elders John Brown and James S. Brown are very suitable persons for you to appoint to take charge of emigration affairs on this side the water, with instructions to them to keep minute and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of money and of all other business they may transact under said charge. You are also at liberty to release any of the Elders who wish to return this season, and such others as br's Amasa, Charles, and yourself may [?] should be released.
You can inform the brethren and advise the Agents that they need not buy a single ox, horse, mule, or waggon, for if we only know in time how many will reach Florence, we can send there teams and wagons enough for their transportation across the plains.
On the 3d int. the telegraph here was worked directly to Chicago, across Iowa by way of Omaha, which gives us Washington news as soon as they receive it in St. Louis. Of this you will inform the Agents, that they may be aware that as soon as they are this side the water they can almost instantaneously communicate with us upon any important item requiring prompt counsel.
You are at liberty to make br. John Ormerod a present of L5.0.0, to be applied on his emigration.
In regard to Sister Lettice Redford's letter to you, I presume her husband, Robert Redford, may have some stock, land claims and improvements thereon in Cache Valley, but I very much doubt whether he has any money, which is all that will answer to Florence, or can readily get it; but I will speak to Bishop Maughan to urge him to be as diligent in the matter as his circumstances will permit.
In br. Allen's case the loss of the letter he mentions makes no difference, for, whatever might have been the state of funds at the time,, it is at present beyond our power to extend aid beyond what may be required to bring the brethren from Florence. There is no credit to br. James Hunter in our books; his wife and five children came here last Fall.
If means permit, you are at liberty to make arrangements, for the emigration of such native Elders as you may deem it wisdom to spare, similar to those made last year for that class.
Please credit to Brigham Young's deposit a/c all monies forwarded to you by Dr. John M. Bernhisel, and hold the same strictly subject to my order.
I wish you to purchase for me a liberal assortment of the best quality of artificial teeth, mostly set with <in> gums, for gentlemen and ladies, and forward them and the music books, &c., as per accompanying list, by the first responsible through opportunity.
I wish to change my portrait in the plate of the First Presidency and Twelve; and by the first opportunity I will forward to you a portrait from which I wish you to get a fine and correct engraving made, of the size now in said plate, and put it in the place of the one now there, omitting, until that is done, taking any more impressions from the plate as it now is; and when you have the new portrait engraved, as before stated, in the best style on steel, I wish you to substitute it for the former one in all plates now on hand or within your reach. Br. Stenhouse, last season, sent to Captain Burton of London a photograph I wish to have engraved from, and, perhaps you can borrow it, which will expedite your getting the engraving done; of this br. Staines can inform you. When the new engraving is made I wish you to keep it in your own possession, and it will answer for illustrating any book, when desired, and for other appropriate purposes, in addition to substituting in the plate as before mentioned.
Advise br's John and James S. Brown to become familiar with and very closely watch the rates of exchange between this country and England as also between the eastern and western Cities in the States, and to be careful to transact all business of that nature to the best advantage.
Also advise all Missionaries from here to ever be on the watch that they way of their return be not hedged up ere they are aware, by either present or future difficulties at home or abroad.
On the 7th ult. the newly appointed Governor, John W. Dawson, arrived here; on the 11th he read to the Legislative Assembly a wordy message written for the meridian of Washington; on the 21st he made wanton and grossly insulting proposals to the widow of Thos. S. Williams, and on the 31st he left in the stage for the States, after declining for sundry frivolous reasons, to sign a Bill passed by the Assembly to provide for holding a Convention, &c., preparatory to the admission of Utah as a State. For the above and many other like reasons past and present, aside from a strong desire for our rights as American citizens, the people assembled, on the 6th inst., in mass meetings in the settlements throughout the Territory, and elected 65 Delegates to meet in
Convention in this City on the 20th inst to draft and adopt a Constitution and form a State Government, (to be submitted to the people), and memorialize Congress for our admission. The meeting in this City, held in the Tabernacle, was attended by some 2500 persons, and the election and all the proceedings passed off in a perfectly unanimous and very enthusiastic manner. Particulars of the meeting here you will learn from the "News". If Congress understood their true interests relative to us and know who their friends are, they will act promptly and favorably upon our petition for admission.
Inclosed please find seven drafts, a list of business items, a list of persons to be emigrated, and a bill for music books, &c.
The weather continues very mild for the season, though there are some 8 or 10 inches of snow in the valley, which, however, is to-day rapidly melting. The stonecutters have already prepared nearly all the granite blocks <that> were hauled for the Temple previous to the State road's becoming too soft for hauling such heavy loads; and we expect in a few weeks to have our new Theatre so far completed as to be ready for use.
Your family and friends, as also those of br's Amasa and Charles, so far as I know, are well, and the people generally continue blest with good health.
Ever praying that all needed blessings may attend you and your associates and all the Saints and the lovers of truth throughout the world,
I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel,