Liverpool Office
Alexander and Joseph Cornwell of this City paid into the Liverpool Office L 8.0.0 on "Hand Cart arrangement for 1861."
They came here by an Independent Co. this fall, and now want the amount applied to emigrate Margaret Hinds, Scarver, County Down, Belfast Conference, Ireland.
On the 14th January, 1859, I wrote bro A. Calkin to pay Mary Seetree, Leeds branch, $75.00 for her emigration. I also drew upon him draft no 147, for L20.0.0 favor of Mary Britton, North Deaton, near Wetherby, Yorkshire, in Leeds Conference. Bro John Tate, of this place who paid the above sums for them, says they are prepared to emigrate the coming season. If the amounts are still to their credit, please inform them that they can be emigrated.
Please pay Nathaniel Ireland, Pilton, near Barnstaple, Devonshire L1.0.0, being amount sent him by Henry Bourne.
I have drawn upon you the following drafts
Draft No 223, for L 8.0.0 favor of Margaret Salmon, Barrhead,
near Paisely, [?]
" " 224, " L 8.00 " " Hugh Evans, Hallywall, Flintshire, North Wales
" " 225 " L 2.00 " Wm Ringwood, Wymordham, Norfolk, England
" " 226 " L 7.12. 0 " " Mary Bucklee, London, [gap in typescript] England
" " 227 " L 20. 0. 0 " " Mary Evans, Birmingham, [gap in typescript] England
" " 228 " L 37.12. 0 " June Prestwich, Ashton under Lyne, branch Manchester Conference
" " 229 " L15. 0. 0 " " George Coleman, Chaple Street, Hemelhempstead, Hertforshire, England
" " 230 " L10. 0. 0 " " Wm. Wall, Bristol Branch, South Conference, England
" " 231 " L 7. 0. 0 " " John Bowbear, Limehouse, London Conference
" " 232 " L 4. 0. 0 " " Margaret Hinds, Scarver, County Down Belfast Conference Ireland
" " 233 " L 4. 0. 0 " " favor of Jane Adamson, Boness branch, Edinburgh Conference
" " 234 " L 30. 00 " " Harriet Williams, Tragdar branch Monmouthshire Conference, South Wales.
" 235 L 40. 00 " Draft favor of John Russell, Hennet Village, near Clackmannan, Scotland
" 237 L 20.0. 0 " " J. W. Coward
" 238 L10. 0. 0 " Robt Davis, Wilsford, Wiltshire Conference
I herewith inclose the following drafts-- the amounts you will please place to the credit of the persons for their immigration, and advise them of it. Nos 217, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235. The third of exchange of draft No 184 favor of Catherine Robinson, is also enclosed agreeable to your request of Oct. 25th.
I inclose a list of persons to be assisted to emigrate the coming season, to the amount placed opposite their names.
As you write, br. Eveleth forwarded $100.00 to me for you, but omitted to state on what a/c; of course it will be right for you to credit your San Francisco Mission a/c in the Liverpool Office with that amount
Your Tithing record of 1860 has not come to hand.