1862 January 31 Letter to Ormus E. Bates


1862 January 31 Letter to Ormus E. Bates


300 teams will assist the emigration. Supplies should be purchased before July. Bates is requested to obtain pricing on the railroad. Updates are given on growing cotton.




Brigham Young


Ormus E. Bates


1862 January 31


Great Salt Lake City

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Building and Construction

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Jany. 31, 1862.

Pres. Ormus E. Bates,
Box 3957, New York City, N. Y.,

Dear Brother:-- Your welcome favors of Dec. 12 and 24 came safe to hand, and were perused with much gratification.

In regard to br. Wareham's and others like questions, we purpose in the Spring sending 300 teams to Florence, mostly for the purpose of bringing the Saints across the plains, as our freight will probably be light this season. From all we have as yet learned concerning the probable number that will reach Florence this season, it is presumed that the aforesaid number of teams will accomodate all, or at least all who may need assistance, especially if those walk who are able to. The teams sent last Spring sufficed to bring all from Florence who were there wishing to come, and we anticipate that such will be the case this season.

So far as you have written, I discern no impropriety on your part in your conversation with Mr. Clark, Railroad Agent, but on the contrary think it may prove very beneficial toward forwarding our operations for you, when opportunity offers, to make yourself acquainted with the Agents and prices on such Railroad lines as we may be most likely to use, for such information will prove advantageous to such Agents as br. George Q. Cannon may send to attend to the transportation of the Saints from the seabord to Florence.

You are probably aware that we design having our teams at Florence about the 1st of July, and we wish them to load and start back as speedily as consistent, to avoid the sickness and needless expense incident to lying idle on the Missouri. On the other hand it is not politic for those depending upon teams from here, if they have employment where they are, to be at Flo rence on [?] much if any before the middle of June, especially those in the States, of [?] you can advise them. In such case it will be necessary for you to advise our Agent at Florence of the nearest probable number he may expect, that arrangements may be timely made for tents, groceries, &c., to prevent hindrances [?] and disappointment on either hand.

Affairs in Utah are moving along very quietly and prosperously. Br Orson Pratt Senior and part of his family, br Orson Pratt Jr. and family, and br. Albert Tyler and family are in Washington County, members of the mission to our "Dixie land" to raise cotton, indigo, figs, olives, &c., &c., to further develop the resources of the country for our convenience, comfort, and welfare.

In this City, among numerous other improvements, workmen are busily occupied on the inside work of a large and commodious theatre on the lot formerly owned by br. Reynolds Cahoon, and numerous stone cutters are busily at work preparing the granite blocks for the Temple.

The winter has been unusually moist and mild until within a few days; the weather is now cold, but unpleasant.

Your family and friends are well, so far as I know, as are also the people generally.

Please keep me advised upon all important matters in your Presidency, and consult me frankly touching all subjects upon which you may wish my counsel,

May God bless you,
Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P. S. We anticipate sending one or more experienced and responsible persons to the States in the Spring, to attend to some business matters and assist the emigration.

B. Y.