1862 February 13 Letter to H. W. Carpentier


1862 February 13 Letter to H. W. Carpentier


Utah will take steps to protect the telegraph. The Legislature may attend to the matter in April.




Brigham Young


H. W. Carpentier


1862 February 13


San Francisco, California

Number of Pages




Item sets


G. S. L. City, Feb. 13, 1862.
Mr H. W. Carpentier,

President of Cal. State Tel. Co.,
San Francisco, California,

Dear Sir:-- I take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your favor of the 8th ult., but regret to add that its late arrival (7th inst.) precluded action upon the subject of the inclosure, the Legislative Assembly having adjourned on the 17th ult. Not that it is probable that such action is at present really needed, but it would have been gratifying to have had opportunity for complying with your wishes in the matter. It is now anticipated that the General Assembly, to be elected under the action of the Convention held in this City January, will be convened about the middle of April next, for the purpose of electing two Senators to Congress, &c., and, should the Assembly conclude to legislate provisionally, previous to hearing the result of our present steps for admission into the family of States, it may see proper to also legislate on the subject you mention.

Utah, without doubt, will, as early as practicable, take steps to protect the rights of the Overland Telegraph Co. within her borders. Please accept my assurance that your suggestions at any time will meet my prompt attention, my thanks for your very courteous telegram of the 12th inst. and the instructions to your Agent and operators here, and the thanks for your good wishes in behalf of our admission, of,

Very Respectfully,

Brigham Young Sen.