1862 February 17 Letter to David Webb


1862 February 17 Letter to David Webb


Webb is directed to the men who are dealing with trade in California and Brigham offers to assist in the sale.




Brigham Young


David Webb


1862 February 17


Great Salt Lake City
Nephi, Juab County, U. T.


Business Matters
Financial Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Feb. 17, 1862

Elder David Webb,
Nephi, Juab Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:-- In reply to your letter of inquiry in relation to funds in California, I have to inform you that we are not now using means in that direction; but Kimball, Lawrence & Co., and Hooper, Eldredge & Co., and perhaps other traders, in this City, are dealing more or less in California, and when you are advised that br. Eveleth is ready to pay your order on him for a certain amount, I presume you can readily sell the order at par for cash to some one of the above named traders.

When advised by br. Eveleth as above mentioned, if you see fit to forward me an order on him as follows:-
Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Mr. Dwight Eveleth, San Francisco, California, pay to the order of Brigham Young, Sen.,
(here insert the amount in words)

(signed) David Webb.

I will endeavor to sell the order for you to the best advantage I can for the money, deduct the tithing of it, and forward to you the balance and a Tithing Office receipt for the tithing deducted, by the first responsible opportunity.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

P. S. I inclose br. Eveleth's letter to you.