1862 February 26 Letter to Orson Pratt


1862 February 26 Letter to Orson Pratt


Pratt may return to Salt Lake. The Southern flood will prove a blessing in the long run. An update is given on emigration and temple construction.




Brigham Young


Orson Pratt


1862 February 26


Great Salt Lake City
Rockville, Washington County, U. T.

Number of Pages



Salt Lake Temple
Missionary Work

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Feb. 26, 1862.

Elder Orson Pratt, Sen.,
Rockville, Washington Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:-- You are probably aware of the chief reasons that combined to suggest your being selected to go to Washington County; and I presume distinctly remember the policy we thought best for you to pursue during your present mission, for best subserving the interests of the kingdom of our God so far as your labors might be concerned for the time being.

You have now seen more or less of that region of our Territory, you have passed a winter there, and of course are able to form some estimate as to how your present mission pleases you, and of the prospects of your usefulness there. With your experience and views should you conclude that you had rather return to this City with your family and effects, you are hereby given liberty to do so. And should you so conclude, you are welcome to the property in this City I purchased of you at the time of your departure. Should you conclude to return, please inform me by the earliest opportunity after said conclusion.

The winter here as well as with you has been unusually moist, and it is [?]ing to-day, though we have had no floods. The late great flood in the Santa Clara and Rio Virgin will, I doubt not, prove in the long run to have been a blessing, for it has very clearly indicated high water mark, and will induce the people to build above or out of the reach of floods and washes, whereby they will also avoid in a great measure, if not entirely, the unhealthy miasms of the lowlands.

Elders Horace S. Eldredge and Joseph W. Young left for the States by stage on the 25th inst. to purchase machinery and look after the affairs of our this years immigration. Three hun dred four-yoke-ox-teams have been called for, to go to Florence, for freight and people, and Bishop Hunter is notifying the Bishops of the number severally apportioned to them as far South as Iron County; Iron and Washington Counties, being so far from here, will be advised by him to furnish teams or not as they may choose, or feel themselves able and willing.

Many granite blocks are prepared for the Temple, numerous stone cutters are at work upon the rough blocks, and general affairs at home and abroad are favoring the prosperity and advancement of truth in the earth.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young