1852 April 13 Letter to H. Whitehead


1852 April 13 Letter to H. Whitehead


Letter contains a list of scriptures and encouragement to obtain copies of religious books from the Millenial Star Office in Liverpool or London.




Thomas Bullock


H. Whitehead
"The Brotherhood of Believers"




Great Salt Lake City
Sudbury, Middlesex, England


Missionary Work
Church Doctrine

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Utah Territory
April 13. 1852


I received your printed scraps on the 27 January last, and in answer thereof I beg leave to refer you to the following passages of scripture viz

Matthew 25 Chap. 13 v. to the end
Mark       16 chap. 15 v. to the end
Luke       24 chap. 56 v to the end
John        21 chap. 14 v to the end
Ephesians  4 chap  11 v. to the end
Galatians  1 chap  8 and 9 verses

And I have also to inform you, that the Kingdom of God is again reorganized upon the Earth, according to 14 chapter of Revelations and 6 and 7 verses with the same laws; ordinances, gifts and blessings which always characterized the kingdom and all people are called upon to believe in and obey the Gospel.

For further particulars I refer you to the Old and New Testament Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Voice of Warning, &c &c, which can be had at the Millenial Star Office, 15 Wilton Street, Liverpool; 35   [?]   West London, [illegible] and almost every other Town in England.

Praying, that you may soon become  a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and enjoy all the blessings thereof.

I remain
Your most obedt servt

Thomas Bullock
An Elder in Israel

to Mr. H. Whitehead                                                              
Lay Cottage                                                                      
and all of "The Brotherhood of Believers."